Monday, May 21, 2012

Giveaway Day!

Update:  CONGRATS to Kelsey of Kelsey Sews!  #915!
You are the winner!
Thanks for entering.  
Looks like everyone has great summer plans.
Enjoy it! 
Come back on Thursdays, 
we have a giveaway every week!
Joining in the fun for the 
Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!

Welcome, if you haven't visited before!
We're sisters that blog about new fabric, 
works in progress and 
whatever hits us at the moment. 
We are giving away
16 fat quarters 

--a little flea market
--some scissors
--taza and more!

To enter the drawing:
1. be a follower of our blog
2. leave a comment about your summer plans

Drawing is open to
 international and domestic commenters.
It's open until Friday, May 25 at 5 pm.
Enter on this post. 
We'll randomly pick a winner that night. 

Good luck!

While you're waiting for your name
 to get picked, 
come visit us at--



  1. Quilt Taffies... How generous! Our summer starts soon. We're newly retired and have a cabin in northern CA. We will spend most of the summer there and I plan to devote myself to quilting UFOs. Hope to have lots of company.

  2. I plan to spend some time with family and get an exercise plan enacted!

  3. This blog follower will be having a quiet summer -- hoping to tackle a lot of projects around the house!

  4. Summer ...... we have just waved it good by :( Can only dream about it whilst sitting in front of eht wood fire :o)

  5. Summer plans.....a short beach trip, and sewing, sewing, sewing!

    1. I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I read your blog all the time but just now officially signed up as a follower. Only plans I have so far for summer is getting out of the heat for a few days for a trip up North to cooler temps for camping.

  7. I'll be traveling all over this summer!!!

  8. I have a new baby, so am going to be just hanging out at home and getting him settled into a routine with us. And I'm a follower :) thanks for a chance at winning.

  9. I follow your blog and have for years! (I love it)

  10. I check out the blogs just about every day! For summer, I plan to try to stay cool and maybe do some quilting!!!

  11. My summer plans involve lots of quilting and no more school!!! (I've been home schooling and need a break)

  12. Our summer plans are getting our daughter ready for her first year in college.

  13. We just bought a house so my summer involves lots of yard work, painting, and decorating. I have to go to Knoxville and Denmark for work so I will get a little traveling in.

  14. I am a follower, as for the summer, I love to read! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  15. I follow your great blog :) So far no big plans for the summer, but hoping to squeeze in a trip sometime!

  16. This summer I will be taking classes, super fun right?

  17. I'm a new follower !

  18. This summer, I'll be sewing and getting ready to move in with my boyfriend in our newly bought house ! I can't wait !

  19. Ooh, summer is going to be busy with swimming, VBS, camps and hopefully a vacay!

  20. No big summer plans. Just enjoying the time with my family, probably fishing and swimming. And of course some sewing if I can. ;)

  21. Hi,

    I love your fabric selection. I've just signed up as a follower. It's currently Autumn in Melbourne, even though it feels more like Winter. I do have winter break coming up and I plan to go up to the snow fields.


    Handmade Giveaway:

    Craft Supplies Giveaway:

  22. I am pregnant, so the only plans I have are to go to Great Wolf Lodge and then wait for August 20!

  23. Moving and maybe a small road trip this summer.

  24. My summer plans include a visit from my cousin and his sons - they are travelling from France!!!! Our family hasn't seen our cousin for 30 years and we are stoked!

  25. I am a follower - thanks for this awesome giveaway, I love this fabric!!

  26. going to spend a lot of time with family!

  27. Swimming drinking lots of iced tea.

  28. I'm a follower on Google Reader! Love the scissor fabric! Thanks for the chance to win.

  29. I plan to be getting better at quilting! Also some gardening...

  30. I'm a new follower - Hey I used to live in Boise!

    This summer our family will be moving from PA all the way to AZ - NOT looking forward to that!

  31. im plannign to read a book for enjoyment!

  32. I'm a follower...FABULOUS giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

  33. It'll be a pretty quiet summer as we have just returned from a trip to Ireland. I hope to go to a quilt show in Alabama or North Carolina though. Thanks for the chance to win these great fabrics!

  34. Just subscribed! Thanks!


    I will be keeping my monkeys busy all summer!

  36. This summer I'm going to be doing lots of passenger driving helping my son get ready for his drivers license in September. Then I'm going to celebrate because after him, no more teaching kids to drive!!

  37. Not sure of summer plans yet...hoping to go on a cruise

  38. I'm a follower!

  39. We are going to the beach in DE this summer...I can't wait. Thanks for a chance to win.

  40. Corrie: Already a happy follower!!


  41. Spending days on the beach, sewing, and knitting! And of course spending lots of evenings outside! Love the warm weather!

  42. I'll be working mostly but hope to come up with some fun weekend plans.

  43. Picnics and lots of them - that's the plan anyway. Come on summer!

  44. Corrie:

    I plan on riding my horse 3 times a week, sewing in the PM and after dinner take a walk and do light weightlifing workout ( I am getting a bit pudgy:)) Hopefully I will stick to the plan.


  45. I'm a follower and my summer plans include a trip to Utah and lots of sewing.

  46. I am a long time follower. I started following when I first started sewing and quilting. =)

  47. Summer holds lots of gardening (vegie and flowers), new colors to inspire, warm days and nights to sit on the porch and handwork.

  48. will be going to the zoo alot, hopefully spend some days swimming and get some camping in there too.

  49. Summer plans include some weekend trips with my hubby on our motorcycle. Our favorite thing to do is find quilt stores, thrift stores and Harley Davidson stores along our way. The trunk on the bike is small, so I can't buy too much, but you would be surprised when I can fit into it. =)

  50. I plan on spending some quality time with my children (I won't be working over the holidays for the first time in two years) and developing my new found love - sewing!


    PS - Oh, I've followed!

  51. I am a new follower. My summer is full of excitement. working on a new baby, new quilts, hopefully little girl clothing, and redoing the boys room. Thanks for the chance

  52. you had me at "some scissors". Hello from Singapore.

  53. I am a follower :) I am working all summer :( but going to the beach in July!

  54. Thank you for making this fab giveaway open to internationals! fingers crossed firmly xxBettina

  55. I plan on eating lots of fresh vegetables and reading in the sun!

  56. Drooly drool..... :) This summer we're going on vacation to Branson, Mo. It's not terribly far from our city, so that minimizes the travel time with two small kids.

    I'm already a follower. Thanks for the chance to enter!

  57. Summer plans....A Disney Cruise! My daughter works aboard the ship and we're going to join her for a trip to Alaska. Thank you for the give away chance.

  58. Yes, I'm a follower. I love your work.

  59. Our summer plans include museums, Gatlinburg, playing at the park, lots of gardening, and anything I can think of haha.

  60. I plan to do more with my summer this year. More trips, more camping, just being out and about MORE is the key. :o)

  61. Thanks for the giveaway. Our summer will be a quiet one - seeing family in Scotland and the north of England, and friends in the very south. And hoping that the UK actually has a summer worth talking about this year!

  62. oh!oh!oh! so cute!
    My summer plans include LOTS of quality family and husband time, classes (wahoo...), and hopefully some days at the beach :)

  63. I have been following your blog for a while now!

  64. This summer I'm looking forward to getting out the kiddie pool and plopping my son in! Maybe this year he'll keep his swim diaper on!

  65. I'm a follower!

  66. I am a follower of your Blog, in fact, yours is the first blog I started with. Thanks for all you post.

    We have a daughter getting married this summer and grand baby on the way also. Big summer plans.

  67. Alrighty then, I am a long time follower of your blog!

  68. My summer plans include working hard to remodel a new house that we just bought. (We're on week two of remodeling and I'm wondering if it's August yet!) ;) Thankfully, I get an 8 day respite via a family vacation to Disney World in July. Yay for a great summer!

  69. Eek! Lovin that bundle of FQs! We are headed to Disney in Orlando is less than 2 weeks :) Thanks for the chance! Smiles~Beth

  70. My summer plans are to take a few trips to fairly close beautiful places here in Utah...Moab, Bryce and Zion, to name a few, then we hope to visit a dear friend in Garden Valley Idaho. Other than that, I plan to sew, sew, sew!!! I need to catch up on all the things I couldn't do through the winter due to some health issues. Thanks for a chance in your super giveaway. Big Hugs...

  71. We are going to go on a cruise this summer.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. My plans are on hold at the moment as we have a 19 year old who knows!!! Later in the year we are hoping to get a camper van and start touring around France. Hugs

  73. Working in my garden. Family issues keep me away last summer and I missed it. And fishing, lots of fishing.

  74. I am hoping for a Healthy summer so. Can do a lot with my grandchildren. Linda gerig

  75. I'm a follower already. My summer plans, jeeeeezzz. Good question. I've returned from my week long "sunshine break" just a month ago. So I'll probably be: Enjoying the sunshine (if we have any), enjoying the garden, and basically be outside with some quilt- or stitchery thingy!

  76. Going to do some camping!

    (Are the two entry conditions two different entries? or is one dependent on the other? thx!)

  77. I am lredy following your blog.

  78. I'm training for a full marathon, and making a quilt to commemorate all my running events for the year.

  79. I'm a blog follower already. Looking forward to a trip to the FL coast in a few weeks! Kimberly 4throse (at) bellsouth (dot) net

  80. The first weekend, will be taking the nephew & nieces to a kids park. Later, end of June I will attending an out-station craft market. It will be my first time as a vendor.

  81. I'm a follower! I'm planning on spending some quality time at the pool.

  82. This summer I have a few different plans, including visiting my family (including the chance to go to quilt group w/my mom), girls camp and my husbands work conference. But I am most looking forward to an extended weekend in Cali for the 4th. Can't wait to lounge on the beach and watch my 2 year old explore the sea! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  83. Our,summer has started. I plan on playing with the kids, get some sewing done, playing in the garden and going to Oregon to visit my fab inlaws.
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  84. This summer I plan to quilt as much as possible, go camping in Wyoming for a week, read some books, and visit a taping of "The Quilt Show."

  85. We are going to spend a week at the beach with my husband's extended family this year, just like we do every year. Everyone in my house is counting down the days, we are so excited! Thanks for the giveaway.

  86. wow, what a great giveaway!! thanks for the chance to win!

  87. My summer plans are my daughter's wedding.

  88. This summer will be spent preparing for a wedding, a little bit of travel, and hopefully quite a bit of stitching and quilting. Thanks for the generous giveaway and a chance to win. I am a follower.

  89. Thanks for the giveaway. As for summer plans . . . none really. Relaxing!

  90. My summer plans are to help with my new grand baby coming in July.

  91. I'm going to France this summer to practice my french. Thanks for the giveaway.

  92. I will be traveling with my family to Europe this summer- can't wait. Thanks for the giveaway.

  93. We're doing a big family get together in July. In the meantime, I've got some quilts to finish before the end of August (wedding and baby gifts!).

  94. My friend and I are hoping to take a little trip to Washington and Oregon to check out the fabulous quilt shops in those states. I live in Victoria, and she lives in Vancouver, so it will be a lovely ride. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  95. Our summer plans are to go to the beach, the zoo, water parks, etc.! Lots of fun to be had!

  96. Driving cross country to McCall, ID....with two youngin's

  97. I'm a follower!

  98. Summer plans are to surprise our daughter on her 10th birthday with a Disney Cruise! Can't wait!!!!

  99. We are: retiring from the military, moving back to America, buying a house, and start a new career. You know, nothing big!

  100. My summer - working and organizing...sigh. But in the fall I do fun things! I keep your blog on my google reader list. I just added the follower

  101. WOW! What a generous giveaway! Thank you so much!

    Our summer plans involve building a new house - probably not a lot of relaxing going on there - lol!

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. I'm already a follower. Summer plans include a week of camp, a wedding they're in, a week in the mountains for vacation. Thanks for chance to win! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)

  104. Plans for the summer are short trips to the lake. My daughter and I will take my 85 year old mom to visit the new Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas! What a beautiful place!

  105. We're headed to the beach this summer and I can't wait!

  106. We relocated to St. Louis from Texas, so we will be exploring the city. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  107. The family will be going to Gulf Shores in a few weeks.

  108. I am already a happy follower o Quilt Taffy!!

  109. I am already a follower. I'd love to win this! Yummy!

  110. Our summer will begin with a vacation to Destin. I have a high school reunion in June, and of course, spending time with the grands all summer!

  111. I'm your newest follower! Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  112. Looking forward to of playtime with the kiddos without having to watch the clock! :) Thanks again!

  113. Stitching on the pontoon :) Thanks for all the fun give-a-ways....even though I have never won any of them. ;)

  114. Hello from Minnesota! My summer plans are basically: cabin, boat, swim, repeat. Oh, and sew.

  115. I'm a new follower. I'll be spending my summer attending local festivals, soaking up some sun, visiting the farmer's markets, and visiting surrounding citites.

  116. Sou seguidoar e

  117. Summer plans - June 16th we are running a 10k (hopefully!) and then training for a 1/2 marathon on September 8th if all goes well and I don't get hurt again.

    Otherwise lots of biking, dog walking, beach trips, some hiking... getting outside as much as possible!! :)

  118. My summer is like all the past - I work and sew and make it from one day to the next.

  119. We have no really big plans so far for summer but hopefully a trip to our family house in Tennessee will be something we work in!

  120. Planos:Praia e sítio,15 dias vagabundando na areia,e 5 em uma mata esplendorosa,vou visitar os

  121. I am a follower! Thanks for a chance to win a great giveaway!

  122. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway! This summer I'm meeting some bloggy friends at the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London - woohoo! Jxo

  123. I follow you on google reader. As far as summer plans, we are moving into the mountains and hopefully taking our girls to a water park for their birthday.

  124. i am following via google reader, i hope that's ok.

    this summer i plan to work hard and save up lots of money to go visit friends in hali at the end of the summer. or buy an iphone. or both!

    you can reach me at supersharmie at gmail dot com :)

  125. we are going to Europe this summer to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary

  126. We haven't definitely made summer plans yet but we will probably some camping.

  127. What a great giveaway! My summer plans involve me and my best mate and her new baby (whom I've not met yet) meeting up and going to spend a week at my mums to do some sewing! Seriously cannot wait!

  128. I am a follower and thanks for the giveaway.

  129. I just started following you on Google reader. I will be working this summer and going to grad school - I'm studying to be a nurse-midwife!

  130. We'll be staying home this summer, my husband has army trainings.

  131. New follower! I want to take my kids on plenty of trips to the lake and maybe to the Legoland Discovery Center in Chicago!

  132. We will be traveling to a few places togoto camping music festivals. Bestpart is there is Loads of sewing to prepare for the trips.

  133. I don't think I have any summer plans as we just put our house up for sale...maybe a BARBQ or 2 if I can manage it...thanks for the giveaway..

  134. 1- brand new subscriber to your site via email. the sew it and quilt it at the same time tutorial is genius and i will definitely try it the minute a get free time to make a new quilt (which i'm planning on doing for a baby shower gift!)

  135. my summer plans include growing tomatoes (for the first time ever), tweaking our newly remodeled backyard and swimming as often as i'm able with my 3 year old!

  136. Summer, swim, sew...a much needed break from the daily homeschooling grind that is spring!


  137. Not much planned for this summer--some family get-togethers, etc.

  138. In summer (actually, April-November), I participate in 2 local farmers' markets as a vendor, pedaling my glass art beads.

  139. I'm a follower, and a new-bee quilter. You can see my humble beginnings here:

  140. I am following you already. I am going for the weekend to the FQ retreat in London. That's my summer holidays, for the rest I will be working.

  141. I'm a new follower of your blog. Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  142. summer plans... my brother-in-law is getting married in July, so we'll go home for that. We're going to Disney World in September (technically not summer, I know, but I am excited!), and hopefully some camping and a bit more traveling mixed in :)


  143. I'm excited to take a few trips this summer, one being my first trip with just the husband since our honeymoon nearly 9 years ago!

  144. I am looking forward to our garden holidays. We have a wonderful garden and I am longing to spend there as much time as I can!

  145. for the summer I will be going to folk festivals and working in Northern Greece

  146. I am a new follower! This summer I am selling my house and buying a new house!

  147. We just moved to Connecticut, so this summer we will be taking advantage of being in New England. We plan to spend time in Boston, NYC, Pennsylvania Dutch country, and possibly a trip to DC (for my first time EVER). Thanks for a gorgeous giveaway!

  148. My summer plans... I don't have any actual set-in-stone plans for this summer, but I'd like to go to the beach and swim in the sea, spend time with friends, eat lots of ice cream and go for walks in the neighbouring forest and get a lot of reading done while lounging in the sun.

  149. I am a follower, and I plan on taking lots of bike rides with my toddler in the new (to us) bike trailer we just set up!

  150. Woo! Summer plans! 1) Enjoy some down time at work after 8 months of NOW NOW NOW. :) 2) Clean out the garage! and most important, 3) Spend lots of time in the San Juan Islands!

  151. I plan to sew lots of summer dresses and soak up some sun!

  152. I'm a new follower - this summer I plan to relax! (and hopefully do lots of sewing)_I'm a teacher, so I just have to survive report card season!


  153. I am teaching a little bit of summer school and sewing my summer away!

  154. I'm a new follower. This summer, I plan to travel to visit family members and do a lot of sewing and quilting. Thanks for a chance to win.

  155. This is the summer of camping trips. We have three planned. Two short ones and one long one! YAY!

  156. And I am going to Nicaragua and camping in the mountains.

  157. I'm a new blog follower. :o) Our summer plans are some time at the beach, participating in Relay for Life and watching my baby brother get married. Thanks for the chance to win!

    ravensrascals (at) gmail (dot) com

  158. I plan on hanging out at the beach and going on a camping trip.

  159. Taking the kids to the beach

  160. camping, hiking, gardening, sewing! thanks!
