Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ansonia Giveaway Day!

Ansonia is Denyse Schmidt's
 latest celebration of color.
"The grand, old-world glamour of a graceful waltz meets the wild bohemian charm of the tango.  Operatic hot pinks mix with earthy taupes and deep chocolate brown (Mushroom), and psychedelic-acid citron greens whirl with lush, bold blues (Mossy)."
Denyse talks about her inspiration for
designing the line here.
 We have a variety of precuts
 in the shop.
This is the mossy colorway.
And this is the mushroom colorway. 
Also coming out in April is
a collection of 75 solids
 handpicked by Denyse.
It retails for $198.
If you would like to pre-order one for $175,
please contact me very soon.
Our giveaway today is an Ansonia
5" charm pack.
Update:  Congrats to Vicki H,
you are the winner tonight!
To enter the drawing, leave a comment
on the best place you ever vacationed.
Random drawing Friday night. 


  1. This mossy colorway is gorgeous!!
    As it was Kefalonia - a greek island - it was wonderful!

  2. The Isle of Iona off the coast of Scotland. Gorgeous setting. Peaceful place. Wonderful accommodations and food was simple but delicious. Plus the wee highland coos were so cute! :-)

  3. The best place was for me Sicilia the italian island. It was wonderful gladly go back there once more...

  4. The best place I ever vacationed, was Martha's Vineyard :)

  5. I love, love, love Greece and my favorite island there is Rhodes ... been there already four times!

  6. I was taken to Granny Mouse, Howick for my 50th birthday, lovely!

  7. I have spent a month in a greek island called Serifos and it was probably the best month of my life! Ana

  8. Sacoma, Mallorca. Every year, two weeks in July!!!!!

  9. Omey - a tiny island off the west coast of Ireland!

  10. My favorite vacation was the Great American West - Four Corners Area. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  11. The lakes in Italy so very very beautiful.

  12. The Smoky Mountains. Most beautiful views ever.

  13. Sri Lanka, it has everything, wildlife, history, archaeology, great food, great scenery with variations from mountains, rain forests to fantastic tropical beaches for surfing and the Sri Lankan people are so friendly.

  14. Corrie the best place I vacationed was Ashville North Carolina.

  15. The Smoky peaceful and quiet!

  16. I have to say my best vacations have been in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

  17. We spent a week on Maui almost 10 years ago - it was wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Hawaii! Definitely! I've had never been anywhere like that! What a special place :-) Those fabrics are amazing!! They do remind me of Hawaii.

  19. India, by far. We went all over the country in a week. We joked it was like being on the Amazing Race.

  20. I won an award at work and spent 3 days at the Ritz Hotel in Florida.

  21. I had a blast in Veradero, Cuba. Thanks for the giveaway girls

  22. How beautiful! The best place and pretty much only place we've vacationed is Bethany Beach, DE....great family atmosphere...lots of things to do within a short distance - like Ocean City, etc. Thanks for a chance to win.

  23. One really "neat" place I've been is the blue lagoon in Iceland, it was actually during a layover going to florida from Denmark where I grew up....

  24. The best place I ever vacationed was South Korea. Such quiet and industrious and friendly people. Beautiful scenery in the South. We took a train trip through the countryside and it was beautiful.

  25. South Africa - beautiful country, with beaches, mountains and wine farms.

  26. Hawaii was wonderful. We didn't get to stay very long and would love to go back.

  27. We've never been anywhere exotic, but we live in SC which has the best beaches! Garden City Beach.

  28. Spa resort in Costa Rica. They starved us with their odd healthy diet and lack of coffee, but it was the most relaxed I've ever been.

  29. Key west. Very relaxing, wonderful food, gorgeous scenery, lots of history, but very little beach if you're into that sort of thing ;)

  30. I'd have to say the best vacation place was Hawaii because of the exoticness of the place. Of course, it didn't hurt that it was the end of December and we'd boarded our plane in frigid, snowy Iowa!!!

  31. Machu Picchu in Peru. We went on a 50-mile backpacking trip there and slept in lodges each night along the way. Oh, and Denyse Schmidt is also my favorite fabric designer. Thanks for the chance to win!

  32. I loved Rome Italy when we were able to visit a few years ago! Thanks for a chance to win!

  33. Lovely fabric! Best vacation ever is still France I think, in the Ardeche, I was 10 & it was a family holiday.

    Of my holidays "alone", I think Kenya & Croatia are on my list... :)

  34. Charleston, SC...... gardens, history, food, and beautiful beaches nearby

  35. Australia! With a stop in Hawaii both directions.

  36. Oooh, that fabric is beautiful! You always have the sweetest giveaways. And ahhhhh, it's that time of year where one dreams of vacations. I can't possibly pick a favorite. There's the National Parks out West. ALWAYS beautiful. But then, I've LOVED the UK. And Iceland was a super fun little getaway!

    But, really, I think the Best Place to vacation is anywhere you can be with the people who make you laugh!

  37. Visited beautiful New England years ago and would love to go back then head up into Eastern Canada. Thanks!

  38. Only one place because there are many favorite..A Coruña -Spain,Paris -FranceBarcelos-Portugal,....We try to go to different places each year.Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous fabrics!

  39. The best place I have vacationed is Radium, in British Columbia, Canada. Very small and quiet place in the mountains with lots of golfing and hiking to be done. Then the Hot Springs are a great place to soak at the end of the day. Thanks for the give away!

  40. The island of Djerba in Tunisia--a little tar on the beaches, but beautiful and great food if you like fish and dates!

  41. My best vacation would be as a kid at my Gramma's in Edmonton. Her garden was so beautiful.
    Thank you for the chance :)

  42. My favourite holiday ever was in Florence, Italy

  43. Bermuda! Thanks for the chance!

  44. Hi!!! Very pretty fabric!!!!! I love Natural Bridge in KY!!!! Thanks for the fun give away!!!!

  45. I don't travel much, but as a kid I loved the trip we made to Yellowstone National Park.

  46. In a rental house overlooking Lake Tahoe. You could sit in the hot tub while enjoying the view.

  47. Those are gorgeous. I love the solids too.

    Best vacation was Scotland.

  48. Gorgeous fabric! My best vacation would have to be Walt Disney World. It makes me feel like a kid again and the food there rocks!

  49. Pretty fabrics. We went twice to PEI on a family vacation and it was a blast camping all over the East Coast.

  50. Pretty fabric! The best place I have vacationed is cruising! A new location every day! I would love to go to Hawaii sometime though!

  51. Pretty! I love that mushroom color-way. I really loved Nova Scotia and PEI. I love the ocean and the nature.

  52. It's been quite awhile since we've had a "real" vacation. I think my happiest vacation was taking my sons to Disney World.

  53. Our 25th anniversary in New Zealand! Wonderful!

  54. Gulf Shores, Alabama. We go every year with the hubby's family.

  55. I always love Island Park, Idaho.

  56. As I've never really vacationed, mostly just visited family... I'd have to say Disneyland for my honeymoon. Disneyland can be fun when you take your kids, but it's so stressful, too. So, when it was just my (new) husband and I... that was a blast.

  57. Best vacation ever must have been two years ago I brought my then 17 years old daughter to La Gouna in Egypt, all inclusive in a guarded and protected hotel aerea, what a week!

    jachelno at gmail dot com

  58. I would have to say last summer when we went to Cancun. It was fabulous, and I even went parasailing, which is amazing, since I am really afraid of heights!

  59. That would be a tie between Park City, Utah and Boston.. Oh the fun!

  60. San Francisco. It's not the place, but the friends we went to see. People make wonderful vacations.

  61. A lake about three hours away from where I live... we spent the weekend in one of their cabins.. in was quiet and relaxing.

  62. Cook Islands! Although perhaps I just think that because it was our honeymoon.

  63. Newport Oregon. Close to the beach, flying kites, old bed and breakfast's without phones, but with a library.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. The best vacation place was the NW corner of Spain for 17 days. It was AWESOME !

  66. It would be a toss up between Hay-on-Wye Wales, and Stratford-on-Avon England. I could happily live in either place!

  67. The most beautiful place I've been was the coast of Norway; the most fun was Ireland!

  68. My father was in the military and was stationed in Germany when I was growing up. We were fortunate enough that we got to travel every summer with lots of weekends in between. Of all the places we got to go, I think Venice was my absolute favorite.

  69. I always love going to the Oregon Coast. It is so lovely and peaceful.

  70. Southern France! It`s charming, colorful and just gorgeous!

  71. San Juan - last year with my husband - fabulous place and part of the USA!

  72. The ski resort of Sun Valley, Idaho! Great terrain, friendly town, breath-taking views. Wonderful!

  73. As a family, the best place we vacationed was Disney World!! As a couple (pre-kids) we vacationed in Playa del Carmen, Mexico - it was bliss!

  74. it's all beautiful, thanks for the chance love the Smokies

  75. The best place was the Mayan Riviera in Mexico - so wonderfully warm and sunny when we went!

  76. I have never actually been on a "vacation" except for my honeymoon, we went to the Caribbean.

  77. Hmmm - I guess I would say visiting Pompeii was the best. And that mossy colourway is gorgeous!!!

  78. Lots of great places listed in the comments. I always love a visit to Colorado.

  79. Mmm Montana (I need to get out) and Mmm to Ansonia.

  80. A six week tour of Alaska by motorhome. Gorgeous scenery, interesting villages, good food and wonderful fellow travelers.

  81. Disneyland! 3 days minimum, not during the summer. :D

  82. The best place I have vacationed is Lake Superior in Northern Michigan. Love it there!

  83. Best vacation ever? That would be Ft. Walton Beach, FL. Even right after the oil spill, the beach was pristine and we were the only ones there! Beautiful sunny day. Kid 1 was happy walking along the shore with his thoughts. Kid 2 was body surfing and laughing to beat all. Kid 3 was snorkeling in the tide line looking for shells and fish. Hubs and I just sat on the sad and smiled!

  84. Carribian - visit a a lesser known Island, maybe in the Bahama chain. No Cruise ships!

  85. Northern Ontario Canada! The scenery is spectacular!

  86. Best vacation is leaf peeping in New England in the Autumn, just spectacular.

  87. A Caribbean cruise! Love this fabric!

  88. pramuditahandaristi at gmail dot com

    It would have to be Bali! Oh so beautiful, such a nice place! I have to take my husband there with me!

  89. Garner State Park! (I love camping and this is one of the best places to go). I also love Maine; but, haven't been back there in years!

  90. Nothing beats vacationing in Alaska in the summer....the colors of Ansonia remind me of there. The greens of the spruce and the pinks of the fireweed. Love it!

  91. I especially enjoy the beach! I live in Virginia and we most often go to Duck, North Carolina.

  92. Love the mossy colorway, it reminds me of Vikos Gorge in Greece a beautiful place to vacation.

  93. Tuscany, Italy: soooo beautiful!

  94. Just got back from beautiful Maui! Thanks!

  95. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.netFebruary 20, 2014 at 4:53 PM

    This is a hard one to answer. My husband and I have traveled through 47 of the 50 states. I guess I will choose Alaska, but as far as another country, I guess I would choose Israel.

  96. I'm not well traveled. I would have to say a trip to Disney World for my senior trip/graduation present

  97. I go camping with my family a lot and love a little place called Hyrum State Park. It's a lovely little place to relax, enjoy the perfect weather, swim, boat, fish, and just enjoy being outdoors!

  98. I have only been on 1 vacation and that was to Kentucky...had a great time and was beautiful. Now, my dream vacation is Hawaii :)

  99. I visited the Oregon coast as a newlywed, and loved playing in the sand.

  100. No one place in particular but we do enjoy camping near the lakes and waterways! Every chance we get! Just love love love these color ways....oh my just what I've been looking for!

  101. Was living in Swaziland, Southern Africa. Met and married my husband there. We vacationed in South Africa, one of the most beautiful places on Earth! Some day . . . we'll return. The glorious beauty beckons.

  102. Wow - those colors and prints are amazing! Favorite place I have vacationed is TEXAS!!!!

  103. I would have to say Fort Wilderness at Disneyland in Florida. Love those prints

  104. Osaka, Japan - with day trips to Tokyo, Hiroshima, Okayama and Kyoto!

  105. With my husband - Bermuda, for our honeymoon. For a family vacation - St. Louis - so much to do! Thanks for the gorgeous Ansonia!

  106. This line is great! Alaska was my best so far. It was breathtaking

  107. Mexican beaches, the brightly colored houses and beautiful year round flowers just makes life happy. I think that's partly why we retired to Mexico.
    thelady at

  108. I love vacationing at my in laws. I know that might sound weird, but I am more about having fun and relaxing than spending money.

  109. florida beach, hoping for hawaii one day

  110. Best so far, has been trip to New Hampshire!!! Was Amazing!!!

  111. The best place I ever vacationed was Rome, Italy. We stayed in a B&B just 2 blocks for the Coliseum. So much to see and do there, and the people were great, not to mention the food!

  112. I think my favorite trip was going to Burlington, VT. It's such a beautiful area and there is plenty to see and do. If you ever go, make sure to tour the Lake Champlain Chocolates factory. Mmm!

  113. The best place I ever vacationed was Zermatt, Switzerland. The word "gorgeous" doesn't do it justice. Breath-taking. Amazing. So much more. :o)

  114. San Diego, California with my kids to see my Uncle It was wonderful.

  115. It has been and will always be Walt Disney

  116. We went to Maine for two weeks. It was truly awesome.

  117. Vegas! So much to see and do. Never a dull moment.

  118. We went to a dude ranch when our daughter was 5 and it was great! Everyone had something that interested them individually and there were great family activities.

  119. I went to Lucca, Italy. It wasn't the prettiest place I saw in Italy, but it was peaceful and would be a lovely place to live, walk around the walled city, and eat and drink forever!

  120. My favorite vacation is always to Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee. But the most interesting place I have ever vacationed is Washington D.C.

  121. The fabrics are gorgeous!
    The best place I've ever vacationed - now that's a hard one. I guess the best place to drive to is Branson, MO. We went the whole week of Thanksgiving. We had so much fun choosing the shoes to attend. The Miracle of Christmas was just awesome!
    I think my other favorite is a cruise we took, and one of our stops was at Grand Cayman Islands. It was absolutely gorgeous!

  122. My favorite was Italy with Scotland a close second. But then again, going to my cabin in the NC mountains is something I can do again and again and never tire of it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  123. Oh my gosh, those colors are GORGEOUS!!! Must have some..I think my favorite place was Croatia, one of our stops on our Mediterranean cruise a few years back!! Thanks!

  124. Maui, liked it so much we bought a place there.

  125. Hmm cabins in Arkansas state park, or Belize. Not sure where.

  126. On the beach in Cambria, CA, loved it.

  127. Belgium. Loved everything about that country and I am going to go back!

  128. gorgeous colours! That's a really hard question - the Devon of my childhood, the trip across Russia, Mongolia and China of my travelling days, my honeymoon in Vietnam or my trips to New York City. I can't choose

  129. Beautiful fabrics! I love's beautiful to me!

  130. My best vacation was when we stayed at home and did road trips around our area discovering hidden gems we did not know about. Thanks so much for sharing

  131. We've been to California twice and it was the most fun. The weather is always great there!

  132. Deadwood SD is the best time we have had!

  133. Japan! Tokyo is an amazing city!

  134. I live at the bottom of MI, but I have friends with a house up north on a lake. It's beautiful and peaceful up there

  135. I spend a week in the summer up at my mom's farm close to Lake Huron. The serenity of the farm combined with the breathtaking sunsets and beaches of Lake Huron could not match a vacation I have spent anywhere else! awolk at rogers dot com

  136. Glenwood Hot Springs, CO is the greatest place in the world :)

  137. The best place I've ever vacationed was California Wine Country. The food, the wine! the beautiful countryside and coastline. It was just fantastic!

  138. Eden in australia. beautiful weather and beaches!

  139. We've always loved Moss Landing, CA. It's just north of Monterey. Lots and lots of fun memories for that peaceful spot!

  140. So many fun prints! :o) Any time I am able to fly home is my favorite place!

  141. Sturgis South Dakota the first full week of August is awesome

  142. This collection is so fun! I love the brights thrown in! Fav spot I've vacationed is far

  143. I think my favorite place to have a vacation is anywhere husby is with me. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  144. Alaska, although we love Jackson Hole, Wyoming also. Thanks for the giveaway!

  145. Maui, Maui, Maui. Paradise with a quilt shop close by. Thanks for the chance.
