Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Summer Sports

It's good to keep the kids busy during the summer! If it's too hot outside set up the sewing machine in the air conditioning and get them sewing!! Ron, my 9 year old whipped out this cute Old School Quilt with no problems. I rotary cut it for him and he did the rest with a minimal amount of supervision. Love this pattern. Simple.

If you like a vintage look, these sport fabrics are great. Old time baseball, football and basketball. We have just a couple of kits left. They are baseball themed. If you are interested in a different sport, check with me for availability.

I know it's hot and you can't imagine putting anything warm and fuzzy on you right now, but I promise you will want minkee on every quilt you own. It quilts up nicely and the kids love it! Who am I kidding? WE love it! Ron is hoping for big blue ribbons at fair time.

I love this book. Don't we all need an idea for summertime with the kids?? Well here's a cute little game from 1947 out of this great book. AND it even involves sewing.....Spool Pitch.

So moms, get sewing and emptying those spools.

Spool Pitch

2 pairs of Daddy's shoes

2 books

3 empty spools (or bean bags, or pairs of sox turned inside each other)

Place a book or two next to the wall. Place the heels of Daddy's shoes on the books so that they tilt forward a bit. The idea of the game is to throw the spools into the shoes.

The players take turns throwing their three spools, one spool at a time. Mark some line behind which you must stand. You may not come closer while you are throwing. You can make a closwer line for whomever is smaller, and a line further away for the older player. The one who gets five spools in first wins.


  1. WOW! Ron made that quilt? Send him over, I have a whole bunch of quilts he could sew up for me. He is off to a great start and I'll bet he gets a blue ribbon at the fair. I am not even a sports fan but I really like that line of fabric. Did he do the stipple quilting on that? If so he HAS to come over here and teach me how to do that. Going to look at the Minkee...

  2. Ron's wonderful Aunt Desi did the quilting on that quilt. I even put baseballs and footballs. Okay, so the footballs look like leaves...........and I attempted some bats in the cream area. Overall it will be okay. Fun to experiment with.

  3. LOL, Des! Nice you have something to experiment on ;)
    Is the minky NAVY or light blue? The one shot looks light the last shot looks navy. I see in the store that you say the navy was not photographing correctly. I need to get some Navy so just wondering. I have never sewn with it but have a project in mind.

  4. It is navy. The pictures where you see it next to the fabric and the book is very true to color. The lighter photo was just a sunny shot probably.

  5. Remember when spools were actually wood? I think to really play spool pitch you would need wooden spools. What a great book! I love stuff like that.

  6. That book and game are fabulous! And that quilt that Ron made--wow!! I need to get Girlkiddo going on her new Hello Kitty machine. I don't why I keep putting it off.
