American Jane (Sandy Klop) -- could I just go live at her house? I'm drawn to the retro 40's colors & style.

Recess....American Jane's latest fabric line. It features two charming panels. We have the layer cakes, charm squares, jelly rolls...

Adorable as always. Her fabric lines all go together. We were missing some reds, so we picked some new ones that go perfectly with all of the other retro American Jane fabrics. This is a fun new one. That is a half yard shown, it has four prints, each about 10.5" by 18". So you can get a little bit of each of them.

We'll have four big winners! Random Drawing later tonight.
International entries will win a pattern of their choice up to $9 value.
Wow, can't believe I'm the first comment! I sure do love this recess line. I think she captured what she was going for, the fun of youth set in the idealic past. So sweet!
ReplyDeleteI love this fabric line too, it takes me back to my childhood. I loved the monkey bars and would run over and start climbing as soon as we were let out for recess. I have never had a fear of heights so I loved to climb to the top and look out over the playground to see what everyone was doing.
ReplyDeletePlease throw my name in the hat, it would be so sweet to win.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
we juggled tennis balls. in the air. & against the walls. i don't know what it was called. but more than one could play where you would throw one ball then two against the wall and the other person would catch them and continue playing. & there were rhymes to go along with it.
ReplyDeleteI liked the swings the best, the old ones with long chains and wooden seats. You got lots of flying height.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't get me off the monkey bars! I love this fabric....hope I win!
ReplyDeleteOoohh, those are adorable. I have never had a jelly roll, but I'm sure it is great pleasure to own one, even if you never use it, you can pet it now and then! :) You know, petting fabric really is therapautic! You should try it sometime.
ReplyDeleteI think I spent all my recesses doing handstands and headstands and forward/backward rolls - my friends and I loved to do that. Don't think I could do a handstand now to save my life lol!! Such lovely fabric - hopefully I'll get to play with it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet range, hop scotch and hand stands used to fill my time in recess. Had a fear of heights from a very young age so the monkey bars were never a favorite.
ReplyDeleteI used to love playing on all the playground equipment. Heck, I STILL like to go on the swings. - Elizabeth
ReplyDeleteSadly, I think I spent most of my recess time giggling about the boys! When I was really small, I loved the sandbox. It was fun to pretend that there might just be treasures buried in there!
ReplyDeleteI love the whole American Jane line! It is just like when I was a kid. At recess, I loved to skip rope!
ReplyDeleteCan't beat those swings..
ReplyDeleteJust American Jane
This line of fabric is so cute! I used to love the swings and the tetherball court.
ReplyDeletemaumauisginger at gmail dot com
I love this fabric.......during recess many, many years ago, I always loved to swing. Nothing so physical as kick ball for me, thank you! Jan
ReplyDeleteLove the fabric!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing to do at recess was swing! Jan
I loved to hang from the monkey bars at recess!
ReplyDeleteW eused to spend recess just watching the boys (only the gorgeous ones though!)
ReplyDeleteWell I actually go out at recess with my granddaughter on Fridays. I go to her school and we walk around the track. She is in fifth grade. We also play on the tire swing. I just swing her. Linda Gerig
ReplyDeleteI loved recess. I loved to play on the bars we would flip around and around on them. I would always have a blister or calaus on my palm from playing on the bars. we also played 4-square do you remember that. Wow it sure was fun being a kid. When did I grow up and how come I don't get recess now if I am going to school now. It is harder going to school now so I think we should all get recess:) We work hard at it as adults we forget how to play and run and laugh...
ReplyDeleteI so love this fabric! Recess makes me think of childhood. I work about 4 or 5 blocks down the road from where I went to elementary school. I can still recall playing at recess. I loved to swing. And sometimes a friend and I would go just to the edge of the woods and push the pinestraw around to make little walls and make a house. It was such fun. I would love to win such lovely fabric.
ReplyDeleteHave a Blessed Day,
Definitely the swings, always a challenge to see who could go the highest.
ReplyDeleteThe American Jane line evokes so many happy memories of my growing up years. At recess time we would play Ring-around-the Rosie, hop scotch, kick the ball. All us girls on the monkey bars laughing at the boys chasing us, to swinging so high I thought I could touch the sky for sure!! Fabric has always been a passion for me since I was very little. I use to make doll dresses by hand and design them by myself. Years later I still sew but because of my low vision problems now not as much as I use to. I am finishing up the Vintage Baby quilt I bought from Quilt Taffy for my first Grand daughter due this Christmas Eve. I love the Vintage Baby quilt pattern so much and was wondering what I could make next with the same pattern...Well the American Jane line is definately the one.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the memories!!
I love this fabric! My two best "recess" memories are from kindergarten where we used to pick up grass clippings and make birds nests...and first grade where a group of us used to sit on a low block wall around the sandbox and sing! Of course I also loved the monkey bars!
ReplyDeletechasing boys was always fun, but running from boys was even funner ;) pick me pick me! xoxo melzie
ReplyDeleteI remember going round and round again on the monkey bars. My friends and I would have contests to see who could make the most turns. The first few weeks of school our hands where covered with blisters. After that, we ended up with thick callouses that protected our hands from the bars.
ReplyDeleteThe swings were also a favorite at recess time. We would make a dash to the swing set to be the first to fly. We would streth our legs out as far as they could go to acheive the highest flight possible. We then would see who could jump the farthest. That would get your heart a pumpin! What sweet memories! I just hope our children are creating memories that are just as sweet. It would be sweet to be able to have this fabric to help remember these sweet past times
I love this fabric line! with the Look and Learn I've made a baby quilt, a twin quilt and a large tote bag. As for recess, I liked going on the monkey bars! Lots of fun. :-)
The SWINGS!! Loved flying in the air and feeling the wind in my short stumpy curly hair...(which is not straight, what's up with that!)
ReplyDeleteI still love taking the grandkids to the park to swing...
I love this line--it reminds me of the good old days when all we had to think about was recess!! When I was out for recess, I loved to sit in the big concrete drainage pipes they put out there for us to play on. We would take chalk inside and draw rooms and play house!
ReplyDelete4 square and jump rope!
ReplyDeleteSo cute.
ReplyDeleteRecess is every kid's favorite thin at school, it definitely was mine, ummh, skipping rope and swing sets.
(maisonlejehan at msn dot com)
So stinkin' CUTE! I used to love to play cat and mouse. Kind of like tag but the boys chase the girls into the "mouse hole" (kind of like the saftey zone). Those were the days.......
ReplyDeleteLOVE American Jane. At recess when I was in elementary school, I like to play hopscotch and four square. When I too old for such childish games I think we just sat around talked. LOL
ReplyDeleteloved to play hopscotch at recess!
ReplyDeleteAmerican Jane - what cute fabric! I remember in grade school we always planted a tree on Arbor Day and circled it like these kids are doing - fun times.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, recess included lots of giggling on the swings. When I learned how to "pump" to get the swing going was a big day for me!
I liked the swings, but I also liked to play a game called "monkey", it used bars but not the monkey bars, I don't remember what the other bars were called. I wish I was still that active!
ReplyDeleteI have to make about 4 or 5 baby quilts in the next few months and it never occurred to me to go the Jelly Roll route. Brilliant! These are adorable - thanks so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI love the vibrant just makes me feel so nostalgic. Who wouldn't smile when looking at something made from this fabric.
ReplyDeleteI have twin girls and I plan on making a play mat with these fabrics so they can focus on all of the beautiful colors.
This fabric is beautiful. I confess I read your blog because I want desperately to learn to quilt. I just had my first grandchild and this might get me started.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet fabric line. I did lots of activities at recess but play jacks and jump rope were my very favorites.
ReplyDeleteI liked to play London Bridges, jump rope (with singing!) and four-square. Anything but dodge Ball or Red Rover! Those were some barbaric games. Love that fabric!!!
ReplyDeleteDarn it! That anonymous gal that didn't like Dodge Ball or Red Rover was me.
ReplyDeleteWhat didn't we do? I remember teatherball, red rover, hopscotch, skipping, playing on the playground, building little houses from grass for dandy longlegs, the tire swings, running from boys, simon says, etc, etc. Why did we ever want to grow up again?
ReplyDeleteGreat fabric! For me, recess was all about the swings! There was always a race to see who could there first and and of course the last one there was the rotten egg!
ReplyDeleteWhen we were young ... recess was the best! I remember a favorite thing to do was collect caterpillars and the way they tickled when they crept on our arms and hands. Funny thing - now my daughter brings home caterpillars and has a "pet" caterpillar that now lives in a box in our backyard! Every day she checks in on her pet and makes sure it has plenty of leaves to munch on! Oh the memories!
ReplyDeleteThis fabric is so sweet! My favorite was the swingset. It was quite a challenge when we wore our crinkly pettycoats! :) You see I am a "Vintage American Jane".
guileys at bellsouth dot net
Like Sheri, I used to like playing with the grass clippings. Friends and I would gather it up and make outlines to houses and rooms within. Another memory is of playing foursquare.
ReplyDeleteCute fabric and it would be adorable in the Vintage Baby Quilt!
Loved the playground equipment!
ReplyDeleteOoh I loved recess. I liked to hang upside-down on the monkey bars best. Now as it turns out, my 6 year old son loves playing on the monkey bars the best too.
ReplyDeleteI love these patterns. I would love to win them!!
TETHER BALL!!! Sometimes my husband and I still go to the elementary school and play just to take us back!!! I LOVE this line and it would be darling with the pattern I just bought from you at you ETSY store!!! Lovely!
ReplyDeleteI loved climbing the monkey bars and giggling with the girls AT the boys. Pretty, pretty fabric.
ReplyDeleteAdorable fabric! I don't really remember, but I'm sure my favorite activity at recess was chasing boys...:) Have a beautiful day! Thanks for the generosity!
ReplyDeleteWell - when I was very small I liked to play chase with the boys - but then the boys got cooties and I ignored them and played 4-square with the girls. Then when I was in middle school we played tetherball - you know - the Napolean Dynamite game - sweet! We had skills! And we were awesome!
ReplyDeleteWell let's see. It's been so MANY years since I had recess. I do remember the 1st year that my school painted some 'extended' hopscotch patterns on the asphalt. It was so very exciting.
ReplyDeleteWe would all race to the playground so that we could be the 1st ones there to play. Any rock would suffice for our playing chip and away we would go. We were all very sad when the snow would get too deep and we could no longer play hopscotch. I would love this fabric to make a baby quilt. I am sure that I will become a grandma SOMETIME. Luv you guys!
Just a swingin'
ReplyDeletewow tag, whats that game w/the volley ball on the pole? that and I want to go play at the park!
ReplyDeleteI like to play kickball at recess with those big red playground balls that are very bouncy. Everyone can kick them far and there are lots of home runs.
ReplyDeleteIt has actually been a reeeelly long time since I have been to recess--it's amazing I can remember that!
We used to have this climbing flying saucer thing we called the Eagles Nest. We used to cram as many kids up there and talk and laugh. And of course, I loved doing cherry drops on the bars...until one girl cracked her head open and we weren't allowed to do them anymore.
ReplyDeleteOh fun! We loved to play hop scotch! Love those mini jelly rolls!
ReplyDeleteRecess? Well, in the winter we built snow forts and the rest of the year I like to play kickball or play on the merry go round until I was dizzy I couldn'g walk! :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I need a break I tell the family. "I'm going to play in the yard". Which means I'm going to putter around in the flower garden.
ReplyDeleteAnd then I come indoors to play in the sewing room.
(linux at cherice dot com)
That first quilt is so cute. I always liked playing tether ball at recess.
ReplyDeleteLOVE these fabrics, gorgeous!!
ReplyDeleteRecess? I'd say play soccer/baseball or roller hockey with the boys. I was a major sports nut in my younger years ;)
Love all the fabric and ideas!
ReplyDeleteI always played soccer with the boys, barefoot--
Just so I don't seem greedy, this really isn't a comment. I'm just thinking out loud you how cute this stuff is. That beginning kit is darling. Love it. Maybe I can think of someone to give it to..hhhmm....I'll think on this.
ReplyDeletePlaying in the playground was always fun!
I always ran for the swings at recess!
ReplyDeletePlay Chinese Jump Rope. I really want a jelly roll to play with during recess too! We have them as adults, don't we???
ReplyDeleteI always like to go outside at recess time. If the weather was bad we would color checkerboard squares which remind me of quilts!!!
ReplyDeleteI love this fabric line!
I love this fabric! Memories of recess...four-square and racing to get the best balls. : )
ReplyDeleteRecess was great. I loved to swing and do the monkey bars. This is yet another plum cute line from Sandy. She is so talented and love her retro style!
ALways Great fabrics to work with! Can't wait to get started with another project
ReplyDeletethanks, Judy
handball and the swings. ;o) ooxx`jodi
ReplyDeleteMy friends and I would always meet on the playground to swing and chase boys. It was great because we all got to play together and chase boys and no one ever yelled at us for it!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the swings and monkey bars :)
ReplyDeleteRecess, when you work at a school but not as a teacher I would have to say my favourite part of recess is to listen to the laughter and delight of the kids as they play.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations everyone!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it...I was here last night and would have been the first to post but I thought OH NO, #1 NEVER gets picked **roll yer eyes here** :D
Thanks CJ, I'm very excited that I'm finally a winner! Thanks to Corrie and Des also! I'd love to make another Vintage Baby Quilt!