Update: Congrats to Wendy #76!!
You're the winner tonight. Enjoy the festivities!
Loved Quiltjane's comment...#14
She used to write to Prince Edward.
... I should have thought of that.
You're the winner tonight. Enjoy the festivities!
Loved Quiltjane's comment...#14
She used to write to Prince Edward.
... I should have thought of that.
I don't know where you'll be in the wee hours of Friday morn,
but we'll be here....
by our TV's....
with herbal tea.....
and crumpets.
I think I've watched every royal special to be found on cable TV. TLC is running like, back to back to back to back royal specials.
I've seen them all 3 times each.
I've seen them all 3 times each.
Um, can someone tell me how Corrie got the tiara
and I got the floofy hat?
In 1981, I was up in the middle of the night to watch the wedding on a small black and white TV in my brother's basement.
I was 16.
I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
I couldn't get enough of Lady Di.
I still have the engagement mug.
I'll save my obsessions for another post.
Today's giveaway is for a collection of red, blue and white fabrics in honor of the Brits!
Can you guess what we want to hear in the comments??
Can you guess what we want to hear in the comments??
Oh yeah.
Did you get the Lady Di hair cut?
Do you think Prince Charles was a fool?
Would you like to make me a Union Jack quilt?
Would you marry a prince with a receding hairline?
Did you cry when Diana died?
Could you care less?
Tell me anything you want to in regards
to royalty.
Tell me anything you want to in regards
to royalty.
Random Drawing later tonight.

Oh for sure had the hair cut as well as the fashion was a MUST. Marry into the family - no, they all look like horses.
ReplyDeleteNo, no haircut, I was a bit older though. BUT Di and I do share the same birthday, honest we do, she would be a touch younger than me though...sigh! I have a Union Jack quilt in the planning stage for my SIL, who's a Brit, I'm thinking I might overlay it with the Southern Cross (Australian night sky) as he's a true blue Aussie now....
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the wedding, I'll be stitching and watching...
Oh yes I had the hair cut - BUT with my curly hair it looked nothing like Di. But I'm still for the monarchy. Gosh I hope to win - not the prince but this give-away.
ReplyDeleteI could really care less, which is really funny because I am a huge anglophile and love British History. But, oh well! :)
ReplyDeleteThis so made me laugh, I can't believe there is so much Worldwide interest in our Royal family. I loved Diana and yes I was very very sad when she died. I had to be in London that week for work and visited Buck Palace to pay my respects and to lay flowers, I don't think I have ever known atmosphere like it. We also share a date, her birthday (1st July) is our Wedding Anniversary - though the year is different! Did you know Diana would have been 50 this year!!! Luckily for me I don't have to get up at 3.00am in the morning to see it, in France we are one hour behind the UK. Thanks for the giveaway and I hope you enjoy your Royal Wedding Day.
ReplyDeleteI never had the diana haircut tho' I spent quite a bit of time admiring her hair. I was still in school and wasn't really into marrying princes.
ReplyDeleteI got up early and got dressed - work a pink dress I made - and watched Charles & Di's wedding (and I'm not an earlybird!). Can't remember if I found a hat or not. Don't remember crying when Di died, but I had a text pager with a news feed and found out over my pager. As for William and Kate, I'm going to have to watch a tape delay. I work for a living these days!
ReplyDeleteNo. Yes and still do. Right after I make one for myself. If I loved him. No but I was very sad/angry. Sure - cuz I care so it is possible to care less, but I don't.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had TV so that I could get up early and watch the wedding!!!!!! I did watch Diana get married. The thing I like about the weddings - nice to see some NORMAL people entering the royal family.
I loved Lady Di. What a beautiful woman and so gracious. I would have been wonderful for her to see her sons married and to play with the grandchildren. I miss her! I think Kate and William are great. I will be wathing their wedding also!
ReplyDeleteWilliam is just 3months older than I am. My mother watched Diana and charles marriage. She passed away in 1992 at the age of 28. When Diana passed, I was a freshman in highschool. I remember seeing the footage of the boys following their mothers funeral procession and wanting to hug them and tell them I knew how it felt. I will be watching, becuase In my heart, I'd like to believe that all of us who are mothers, or who "grew up" with William, will represent his own mother . It breaks my heart that she'll miss this, as it broke my heart that my mother missed my ...well...everything. I hope he feels "our presence" and is comforted.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, my 5 year old will be watching becuase she's never seen a real prince marry a real girl and she becomes a princess! only in Disney or barbie movies lol. she is very excited, and I am excited to share it with her:)
I so cried when Princess Di died. She was such a lovely and admired lady.
ReplyDeleteI also had the theme "regal" for my wedding day, very royal colours!
I watched Diana and Charles wedding. I was glued to the set. Oddly, I ended up married myself in 1981, in December, to a man I didn't know yet when watching that royal wedding. Yes, I cried when Diana died. We were living in Japan at the time, and I woke up in the wee hours of the morning and couldn't sleep. I turned on the TV and the first thing I saw was the twisted wreckage of the car and the caption saying she was dead. I sat glued to the TV as the sun came up. We lived in England for four years, my favorite place we've ever lived. I never wanted to leave. Yes, I'll be watching this wedding with great interest. My adult kids think I'm silly, but it isn't going to stop me!
ReplyDeleteSome of us Brits are doing our very best to avoid anything to do with watching priviledged people tie the knot in front of the world - I for one volunteered to work where there is no TV. Ignorance is bliss!!!
ReplyDeleteI used to write letters to Prince Edward when I was young and get replies from the Palace. Now everyone will know of my misspent youth. I will be certainly watching the wedding. It starts down under at 7pm in Friday night.
ReplyDeleteI will watch, we have a group of women getting together to sew and watch! When Diana died I was living in England, and early in the morning my young daughter came and woke us up to say that there was news on every channel on tv, and no cartoons. We thought there was something wrong with our tv until my husband went downstairs to check and called out for me. It was so sad and such an 'unreal' time to be living there - it really gripped the whole country.
ReplyDeleteMy Mom was pregnant with me when she got up to watch the Charles and Di wedding - and now I'm pregnant with a girl and will get up to watch the William and Catherine wedding!
ReplyDeleteWe had street parties for the Jubilee and Di's wedding. AND YES I CRIED when I watched Princess Diana's funeral.
ReplyDeleteI remember being glued to my television for the wedding of Charles and Diana. At the time it was such a fairy tale. Their marriage was tragically sad, and the death of Princess Diana truly made me cry. Prince William resembles his mum so much. I found it so touching that he would give Kate his mother's ring. So, I will be glued to my television for the royal wedding with my cup of tea!!
ReplyDeleteI would be in the "I couldn't care less about royalty" site. I'm a republican living in a monarchical country (Spain). But I DO care about red white and blue fabrics, so here I am and count me in!! :-D
ReplyDeleteContact: librosfera(at)gmail(dot)com
dear Dar..you know I love you...but I couldn't care less about this wedding. In fact, your post is the most information i have on it. yes, i live under a rock, no i do not watch television much...i hope you have a merry ol' time though...ill catch the recap in a magazine at some point im sure.
ReplyDeletei would like to make you a union Jack quilt though..
I will definitely watch the wedding. I was 17 when Charles and Diana married and yes, had a Di-haircut too, but not because of Diana, it was just fashion at the time and yes, the death of Diana was one of those things I will never forget. Love red-white-blue fabrics as they are also the fabrics of the flag of my native Holland and on coming saturday it's queens-day in the Netherlands!
ReplyDeletelol! Great post! I respected lady Di and thought she was a wonderful woman and perhaps not the best match for Charles...I think she was a "free spirit". I was very sad when she died.... As for this wedding, not so into it at all, and definitely wouldn't get out of bed at 4:30 am to watch! lol!!
ReplyDeleteLOL, enjoy the show. I'll be doing other things, depending on what time it airs. I am not a royal fan...although I do like those colors ;) Thanks for a chance at winning some.
ReplyDeleteMy mother lived in England until she was 12. I remember the day Princess Diana died coming upstairs and my mother was crying. She explained what had happened to me and I cried along with her. She was a great loss to her country and to the world for that matter.
ReplyDeleteDiana was probably the only celebrity I felt connected to. I watched every show and documentary on her. So sad. Thank you for the chance.
ReplyDeleteI'm English and proud to have a Royal family. When Charles and Di got married I was 6 yrs old and we had a huge party on the village green - we all wore red, white and blue and all the children got that very mug and a commemorative coin. This time round I will watch part of the wedding, the footage is a bit long winded, but I will make the children sit and watch a little to know more about our future King. I'm by no means a Royalist but one of the things I love about the UK is our tradition, and having a Royal family is part of that.
ReplyDeleteI cried when I saw Diana's funeral - you'd have to have a pretty cold heart not to feel touched by sadness at such an unnecessary loss of life - Princess or no Princess, she was a young mum to 2 boys and didn't deserve to be hounded the way she was.
Have a wonderful time watching the wedding!!!
I was present @ Charles and Di's wedding...glued to the TV! I loved that it was in the wee hours of the morning, so I didn't have to fight with my brothers for control of the TV. I also had the Life magazine, special edition of the royal wedding, I opened it up... showed my dad, and told him "nothing less." I can't believe he didn't take me seriuosly! I have the same plans to attend William and Kates wedding, just a little less excited, no fighting for the TV. Hmmm...should have invested in a DVR.
ReplyDeleteAs a Brit I shall be watching and probably shedding a quiet tear!
ReplyDeleteI wish the happy couple all the best and hope they can be left alone to settle in to married life!
Sorry, I could care less. Instead of watching the royal wedding, I'll be going to a quilt show and some fabric shops with friends. A much better way to spend my time. Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeleteRoyalty - they have blue blood y'know!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to make sure my little girlie gets to see Prince William making Kate a real Princess!
Thanks as always for your fab giveaways.
I think you should make a union jack quilt but in union jack pattern is used to make a silhouette of Wills & Kate!
ReplyDeleteI loved Princess Di and Charles. I guess I was as naive as she was! I was so sad to see it crumble and cried for hours when she passed away. I've always thought Charlie was a bit of a horse's rump since then but Wills is adorable!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I got up early to watch Charles and Diana. I was 34 weeks pregnant. I remember lying on the sofa and my precious little baby was kicking and moving about like she was excited, too! It was amazing and I hope to get up early in the morning. Yes, Charles was foolish and I cried when Diana died. My darling daughter will be 30 this fall and she has blessed me with two more little girls to love. Have a great day and enjoy the wedding tomorrow - I'll make room on the sofa for you guys.:-)
WHat a regal giveaway, thanks for hosting it.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised at how sad and shocked I was when Pincess Diana was killed. Such a true princess. I think Miss Kate Middleton is a perfect princess for the Prince. May they live long and prosper and all the while doing so with love.
I got married shortly before Diana & Charles. As a newly married, I was intrigued by the royal wedding. I didn't follow too closely after that. I was sadden with the death of Diana but Charles never impressed me (looks wise especially). I will not be watching the wedding...I'm sure we will see it plenty of times.
ReplyDeleteYes I can remember watching the previous big Royal Wedding, will be interesting this time around to see how they get along.
Happy days.
I watched the wedding of Diana and Charles with great interest as it was on my third anniversary. And now my son is getting married on Saturday, almost the same day as their son. Hope both couples live happily ever after.
ReplyDeleteI watched the wedding the next day on TV while at work (on a pt's TV!
I think I had a version of the haircut. But, if my youngest would have been a girl (like he was supposed to!), he would have been named Dianna instead of Darren!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Take care, Leslie
I didn't want the wedding, but I DID cry when Di died. My names is Dianne and I've been called Lady Di my whole life!
ReplyDeleteI remember the day Lady Di and Prince Charles were married like it was yesterday! I had two small children and was 25 years old. I ate up everything about Diana and I loved her dearly. I also remember where I was when she died and I did cry and I was glued to the TV for weeks. I have always been fascinated by the queen, why does she never smile?????
ReplyDeleteMay not have been born when Di and Charles got married so I am very excited to watch my first royal wedding! I do remember where I was when she died, watching my Dad play football and heard it on the car radio. Can't wait for tomorrow to watch it!
ReplyDeleteI could really care less.
ReplyDeleteWell....it is good amusement. I always felt sorry for Diana....and I do hope the new royal couple will do well in life.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember if I actually cried when Diana died, but I was definitely sad about it. She was a very elegant lady. However, I don't think I saw much of their actual wedding, and I truly have no interest in this wedding. Perhaps if I were British, it would be more meaningful. I have watched no coverage of it. I only know about it from a few magazine covers I've seen at WalMart and a blurb about it on the MSN homepage. I'm sure it will be beautiful, though.
ReplyDeleteNo haircut for me, mine was already shorter than hers, LOL. As for the rest, well, I have never been enamored with Celebrity of any kind. I believe they are people like me, just a different station in life and need their privacy as I enjoy mine. Though I did watch the wedding (wanted to see the dress), same reason I will watch this one. I must tell you that yes, I cried like a baby when she died...it was so pointless. I do have the 'Life' magazine featuring their wedding. I'm saving it for my daughter as she was totally consumed with Princess Di. OH, and about making you a quilt, well, with my poor track record of finishes the last two years (I've had a number of surgeries, one recently) I haven't had but one finish for myself, LOL, so that would be an apologetic no! Thanks you for a chance in your giveaway, can't make you a quilt but I will send you a BIG HUG!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember the Charles and Di wedding. But I loved to watch the Di's life told by the TV stations. I always dreamed that I would one day be a princess. I guess I am just not to a whole nation. Hee, hee!
ReplyDeleteI too stayed up and watched the royal wedding. It was every girl's dream wedding.
ReplyDeleteI remember watching Di and Charles get married- I was 12 and babysitting! I would love to make a quilt with the giveaway fabric. How cool!! Thanks. gougeonathome@charter.net (Allison)
ReplyDeleteI won't be staying or getting up in the wee hours to watch, but I am looking forward to seeing the details on the news, such as her dress, the ceremony, etc.
ReplyDeleteI loved Lady Diana, yes I was visiting in Paris (1982) my senior year and got a Diana haircut...And didn't miss their wedding, as I worked in a flower shop and loved all her flowers and Boka.... ( I thought she was beautiful... and marrying such a homely Prince) I was pregnant when Diana died and could not believe when my show got cut into breaking news.. I couldnt go to bed that night, I couldn't stop watching and I watched in disbelieve and many tears... What a lovely spirit. I wish only the best now to her son and his new princess to be.
ReplyDeleteI will be up bright and early as well! One of the lovely ladies in my monthly Bunco group is hosting a fabulous Royal Wedding party, so I will be donning my tiara (yup, not actually kidding about that part) and participating in the festivities before work :)
ReplyDeleteI will tape the wedding to watch next week..because in the morning at 5:30am I will be on a bus to the PADUCAH QUILT SHOW~... Can't wait...
ReplyDeleteno haircut
no engagement
I did feel very sad when Diana was killed. She left two young boys and a promising future..
Yes, I remember the sad day Diana died. I haven't really kept up with the royals since then!
ReplyDeletewho doesn't want to be a princess?!!
ReplyDeletei was little when Lady Di and Prince Charlie had their nuptials and I remember my Nana (she was British) was collecting commemorative everything!
I loved the daydream of it all.
I do hope that Kate and William are truly in love.
With Canada being part of the Commonwealth we are also all abuzz about the Royal wedding here.
ReplyDeleteDid watch Chuck & Di's wedding and will PVR this one so I can do a zap through. Enjoy the celebrations.
I wasn't around yet for Diana's wedding, but I sure was watching when she died. I just hope that the Royal Family is nicer to Kate than they were to Di
ReplyDeleteI'll watch the wedding in the morning - after it's over! I don't care who is getting married, I love weddings :)
ReplyDeleteI remember the wedding. It was like a fairy tale in real life. I was so sad when she died. She was such a wonderful person and mother. I never had her haircut, my hair is too curly.
ReplyDeleteI am wishing a better life for Kate and William. Another fairy tale in real life.
I won't be up early to watch the wedding, but I am curious to see Kate's wedding dress! Thanks for the chance to win-I would love to make a union jack quilt.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a big royal watcher, but yes, I did cry when Diana died. Not big giant tears, just watery eyes. She was a giving women and the constant pictures taken of her seemed so stressful. Loved seeing pictures of her with her children. And, I cannot wait to see "the dress".
ReplyDeleteI was too young to remember the wedding, but I did cry when Diana died. Don't think I'll be up to watch this one though. Enjoy.
ReplyDeleteMy prince has a receding hairline - okay, it's pretty much all receded now. Wouldn't marry anyone but him :) As for Dianna's haircut - no. Hate that style, but Kate's on the other hand is super-cute :)
ReplyDeleteOh, and by the way, you HAVE to pick me today ... it's my birthday!!
No, actually I could not care any less than I do at this very moment. But I did think it was a tremendous loss to the world when Diana died. I do however love the combination of red, white and blue so this giveaway sounds good to me!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the festivities...I'll be sleeping!
I will be watching the wedding with enthusiasm tomorrow evening (Sydney Australia time).The idea that a "commoner" could grow up and marry the future King of England is a real life fairytale. I wish them every happiness. William seems like a fine young man, so like his mother, and it's wonderful that these days the heir to the throne is allowed to marry the woman he loves.
ReplyDeleteWon't be watching, not at ALL interested in royals. I really and truly do not understand the fascination. I'm not bitter or annoyed or anything, I'm just completely uninterested. I don't really like weddings in general all that much, so that could have something to do with it.
ReplyDeleteI was too young to care about the first royal wedding, but I got up in the middle of the night to watch Diana's funeral. Yes, I cried...when I saw the boys' card on top of her casket that they addressed "To Mummy". Oh and during the early 90's I had a Diana-esque haircut. Not because I was obsessed with her, just loved the hairstyle. I am going to watch. Even if my "prince" thinks I'm weird for doing so. :)
ReplyDeleteI took the day off to watch the wedding. And I am recording it on 2 different channels just in case I fall asleep. It all starts at 1am for me and I am not sure who will have the best coverage.
ReplyDeleteI will be watching when they re-run it later in the day! I just read a novel a few months back (can't remember the title but I'll find it) about a woman who was there near the crash and finds herself 'hearing Diana's thoughts' and having conversations with her. It was really interesting...fictional of course, but interesting.
ReplyDeleteI did cry when Lady Di died. What a tragedy. I really cared about her and felt sorry for her being trapped in a marriage to Charles and under so much scrutiny. She loved her boys so much and she was such a good mother. She died way too young and other than the joy of her children, she lived a rather troubled life.
ReplyDeleteI remember exactly where I was when the news of Lady Dianna's death was announced. My heart ached for her sons.
ReplyDeleteThe wedding will be lovely.
Tevo is set to record!
Thank you for a chance to win. :o)
My husband purchased a lovely charm
pack from you and it arrived the other day.
Absolutely beautiful fabric!!
Sincerely, Trish
I did cry when Lady Di died. It was so sad. I was so happy for her when there was news of her having a new love. Charles was such a jerk. Camilla is a pig. LOL!
ReplyDeleteokay, so i was born in 1980, so obviously, i have no memory of that wedding. i did not cry when she died, but it's one of those, "i remember where i was when i heard the news" kinds of things. i will be watching the wedding with my 3 year old, though, because she's in her full-on princess phase right now, and i think it would be cool for her to see. :)
ReplyDeleteI certainly cried when Lady Di died - couldn't believe it. I can't explain my intense interest in the British royal family - I'm an American living in Canada. But I sure love going to the library and finding the latest edition of Majesty on the shelf! Always makes me smile. :) And yes, I'm getting up at 4:30 a.m. to watch it on the internet. We don't have TV, and only have a semi-high speed connection. Live-streaming video can be pretty choppy, but I'm hoping it won't be too bad. :)
ReplyDelete(In my best British accent) Ello, lovely! I also will be awaking early to catch that beautiful bird walk down the aisle to marry her prince. I will also take my vit-uh-min (my favorite word spoken in a British accent).
ReplyDeletenot too interested in the wedding. will probably watch replays. linda gerig
ReplyDeleteWatched the wedding in '81, then Wills' birth and then Harry's, then Wills' first day of school .... Charles is a TOTAL dork! ... cried at the news of her passing and watched the total procession of the funeral during live broadcast. I pray for Di's sons' happiness and have watched and re-watched every royal special broadcasted. I'm a royal FAN-atic and don't care who laughs at me :) .... as for marrying prince with a receeding hairline, well heck I married a receeding hairline who isn't a prince ;) Thanks so much and catch you on the airwaves during the wedding tomorrow!!
ReplyDeleteI am crazy mad for all things royal. I had the Diana hair cut and was often said I looked like her (I wish). I still cry at the thought of those two little boys losing their mum so tragically! I wish Kate and Wills a blessed marriage. If you love Diana stuff you should check out my sister's blog. She has some great Diana drawings for collectors.
I've watched a few of the specials and will set the dvr for the wedding. Nothing gets me up at 4am except the occasional dreaded hot flash.
ReplyDeleteI had the hair cut when I was small :D
ReplyDeleteI was too young for the last royal wedding, so this one will be interesting to see.
ReplyDeleteIf I wasn't going to NY w/family this summer I would be in the UK for this event. My best friends live in the UK. I loved Diane's hair do I still request it.
ReplyDeleteI was too small to copy Diana, but have sure been following this couple! I will probably watch the wedding after-the-fact on youtube or something. =) Would not marry the family! I like my private, quiet life too much.
ReplyDeleteI have to say that after perusing blogland for the last two days, I think the Americans and Canadians are far more interested in / excited by / even remotely bothered about the royal wedding than us Englishlanders. I'm going to watch it, but I just want to see the dress!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in middle school and highschool, and Prince William started popping up on all the magazine covers as a teenager, I had such a huge crush! He's always been so handsome. As for the wedding, I'd rather watch an episode of The Tudors instead. :)
ReplyDeleteNo, I didn't get the haircut, but I certainly cried when Diana died. It was so sudden and so devastating. I watched her wedding and I will be watching this one as well.
ReplyDeleteIf I do drag myself out of bed to watch, I'll be sitting under my union jack quilt (Victory Garden pattern.) What a fun event.
ReplyDeleteI was born in 1981, so didn't watch the royal wedding. But I am this time! I'm moving to London later this year and am definitely not going to miss this! My husband does not understand...but come on! She's going in an ordinary girl and coming out a princess!!!!! And I'm currently working on a lot of Union Jack mug rugs to give to family and friends when we leave.
ReplyDeleteI am no royal watcher, altho I did appreciate Diana's down-to-earth approach to raising her sons. I think Prince William carries her legacy, to be one of the people rather than one of the crown.
ReplyDeleteI will say, I will be asleep but will tape the event, I know, not the same. But what little girl does not dream of marring a prince, I sure did! And BTW you really crack me up!!!
ReplyDeleteI was really young when Prince Charles and Lady Di got married, I missed the wedding, maybe was too early in the morning, I'm not sure. But when I grew up, I became fascinated with royalty, I love to read and see everything about it, I don't like Princes Charles' second wife, but he does, and he have to respect his decission, I love Lady Di and I cried alot when she died, there's a before and after with her!, she's unique!!!
ReplyDeleteI loved Princess Diana. Her death was so unnecessary. She was elegant, loving, and so giving. I pray that Prince W. and Kate can stay faithful and be each other's rock and do good with the power they wield.
ReplyDeleteI think Princess Di was much to beautiful and elegant to marry that unattrative man!
ReplyDeleteI remember that Diana's wedding was just a month and a half before mine. Has it been 30 years!!! Yikes!
ReplyDeleteMy aunt just told me that she's going to a Ladies Royal Wedding Party at 4:30 in the morning ~ I laughed at her. I guess I'm just from a different generation :P
ReplyDeleteomg. I really don't care. I will not be watching live. I will have to see the highlights later. However my hubby was in love with the late princess. He has a box of magazine and video clips and what nots. I keep tell him to get rid of them he say put then on ebay. WHATEVER!
ReplyDeleteI considered using the same "colors" from her wedding but my sister used them first. :((
ReplyDeleteI was a little to young to watch the last royal wedding, and as for this time, no I will not watch it. I like my sleep.
ReplyDeleteI was gestating during the Di & Charles wedding... so I clearly wouldn't remember any of the mania... But my own hubby's hair has receded at approximately the same rate as Will's has, so yes, I did marry my prince with the receding hair line!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't born to watch the wedding before, but will watch this one. I always thought I would meet William (or Harry) and marry one of them to become a princess. What little girl doesn't dream of being a princess?? My mother and husband actually refer to me as a princess even though I am 25. I just love it!
ReplyDeleteI watched when Charles & Diana got married because I was a teenager and it seemed glamorous. Turned out to be a sad, unglamorous life. Anymore, I don't really have much interest in royalty. Unless, they were giving away fabric!
ReplyDeleteI DID think Prince Charles was a fool and not even cute.
Well I was very young when the Charled and Diana married, but my Mom did give me the "Diana" haircut!! And I am afraid I will not be watching the wedding...I have a final exam to get my rest for!! But would be happy to sew a flag!!
ReplyDeleteI remember exactly where I was when Diana passed away, and how upset my friend was. As for now, I really would like to see Kate's dress. Beyond that I could really care less!
ReplyDeleteNo, i didn't get a Di haircut, Yes, I thought Charles the Fool (and still do!), and I don't plan on making you a quilt!!! LOL. I did not watch Diana and Charles wed and will not watch the William and Kate wedding. My daughter is currently attending Oxford and she isn't interested either! I hope you have a wonderful time watching and it lives up to your expectations!
ReplyDeleteI've tried to watch all of those specials too but I don't have cable - that's my way of keeping thing under control. I can't wait to watch it tomorrow too. My husband thinks I'm crazy.
ReplyDeleteYes, I had a Di haircut when I was about 8. I think Charles is a fool. I was a missionary in Korea when Di died and so I didn't really get the whole story.. I probably would have cried.
I always thought Di was a fiary tale princess- just lovely with a wonderful heart. I have never like Charles much- I hope William is like his mum :)
ReplyDeletecandy at fiber dot net
Though I never went ga-ga over the royals, I did enjoy a recent ABC tour of Westminster Abbey. The monarchy is so closely identified with Britain and our US war of independence that it is interesting to hear about the history. That said, do want to win so can play with Union Jack fabrics even though wouldn't presume I have the ability to make you a quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI'm not interested enough in the royal wedding to watch on TV. However, I will probably flip through a magazine at some point (when the media rehashes the event for weeks to come.)
ReplyDeleteRed,white and blue fabrics interest me much more!
I was 7 in 1981 - the exact same age as the children in my class. Today the teachers took in their wedding dresses and we played 'Guess who's dress' in assembly. The kids loved it.
ReplyDeleteThe teachers loved it a bit too much, the chance to see each other's dresses and laugh at fashions of the past!
I loved Princess Diana, I thought she was a sweet and kind hearted person as for Prince Charles he is by no means a Prince in looks only by name. I thought he was such the fool for leaving Diana for that Camille woman she was and is such a homely looking lady. As for the Royal Wedding tomorrow I haven't really been keeping up with all the details, but I think Kate is a sweet looking young lady and I hope she lives up to the same sweet and kindness as Princess Di.
ReplyDeleteI love everything about the Royals... including their faults :)
ReplyDeleteNot the hair cut, but I watched the wedding and cried watching the funeral. I'll watch as much as possible before work, and then we'll watch after wedding coverage with our students at work. The red, white and blue fabric sounds lovely. My grandparents on Dad's side are British.
ReplyDeleteRoyalty? Who cares?
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah-had the haircut! Watched the wedding - I'm a sucker for any wedding, royal or not!
ReplyDeleteI remember watching Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip's wedding on a tiny tv with rabbit ears when I was very young, I also was fascinated by Princess Margaret's romances -- seemed like she had more fun, being the second daughter! I did watch Diana's wedding, and I did cry when she died. I thought Phillip was a jerk and a coward, just my opinion, mind you! I just have not watched the coverage leading up to this royal wedding, but it is quite likely that I will break down and watch the actual wedding. After all, these are two different people having a royal wedding, in a different age!
ReplyDeleteI think it is weird how we worship royalty, athletes, movies stars, etc. We need to focus on what really matters.
Well, I wasn't even born yet in 1981, but I was troubled by that crazy car accident that killed Di. My mom used it as an example for us to wear our seatbelts.
ReplyDeleteYes I had the haircut, later HAD to work at LAshley (for the clothes discount), wore hats to Christenings, collected ALL things Diana and cried buckets when she died.
ReplyDeleteI will watch joyously the wedding....I was nursing our bitty daughter when Diana and Charles marrried and now she will be nursing her bitty boy ( who is ten weeks old). Thanks for sharing the memories...thanks for the Brit chance at the lovely fabrics!!!!
I loved Lady Diana. I had an awesome scrapbook with many clipping and articles about her. Yes, I got the Lady Di haircut. Unfortunatly, it didn't work so well for me- I got asked if I was a boy! :( My daughter and I will be watching tomorrow afternoon with our tea and homemade fascinators. :)
ReplyDeleteI wasn't old enough to watch the wedding, but I hope to see some pictures of this one. Not planning to get up and watch it. I would like you to make a Union Jack quilt!
ReplyDeleteI did cry when Dianna died, and yes, Charles is nuts! But they sure made pretty babies, didn't they? I can't say I'll watch this wedding, though -- just not interested enough. But RWB fabrics??? You betcha!!!!
ReplyDeleteI got up early to watch Charles and Diana but I don't plan to for Kate and William. Charles was a fool and he soured me on the royal family.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun topic. I also watched the royal wedding all those years ago. I cried when Lady Di died, mostly for the boys who lost their mother. Such a senseless tragedy and I think she was a breath of fresh air among those stuffy royals. If I can't stay up for the event I will definitely be recording it. I would love to win the r, w & b fabrics to make my 4th of July quilt. Thanks for the chance.
ReplyDeleteI'll be getting up at 4 a.m. EST here in VA to watch the royals....my first time as i didn't see Diana's wedding or funeral. Thanks for your royal giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI was too little to watch the first one and I probably won't watch this one because I've got young children at home that would rather watch cartoons. I hope they are truly happy and don't give into the pressures of public life. i do want to see the wedding dress!
ReplyDeleteI loved everything Brit and loved Lady Di. Thanks for the lovely Royal giveaway.
I really doubt I'll be getting up at 5 in the morning to watch, but I'm DVRing it!
ReplyDeleteI'm so impressed that you have a Royal Engagement Mug. I'll catch the "reruns" on the wedding. I'm in Paducah for the Quilt Show. Hate to miss the wedding, but quilts come first:)
ReplyDeleteHi from Australia, Corrie! One of my first memories of the Royal Family was when I was a little girl, everyone had a calendar with a picture of the Queen's wedding on it. I also sat and watched Charles and Di's wedding, thought she was so lovely, have always thought he was a bit odd. Thankfully the boys had a good upbringing thanks to their mother who made sure they mixed with ordinary people, waited their turn in shops and food places, etc. She would be so proud today!!!
ReplyDeleteI also watched Diana's funeral on tv, it was very long and extremely sad, and I did cry, I will always remember the mournful cries of the people waiting outside the gates for the hearse to drive out. :(
I am really looking forward to watching the wedding here tonight, I love the pomp and ceremony of it all- it is our history in the making!! Sandy. :o)
You know I loved this post. And the whole blog makeover just for the Royal 'do! I'm SO impressed. Puts my Anglophile-ism to shame. :) But I am doing my best to make my own Union Jack quilt, so I guess that helps.
ReplyDeleteI still remember watching Charles and Di's wedding as a 7 yr old and wanting SO much to be able to marry a prince too. Then I did the math and realized Charles' brothers were far too old, and C&D's children would be too young. It was quite disappointing. I never took into account that royals don't spend much time in Utah. lol.
I was a little girl when Di and Charles got married and fell hook, line and sinker for the Princess dream! I was absolutely devastated when Princess Diana died - so very, very sad - especially for her young sons.
ReplyDeleteEmily P
I think Charles is a jerk and I did cry when Diana died. I felt so bad for her sons who had a seemingly unfeeling and cold family. I don't think I would marry a prince whether he had good hair or not. Too much pressure. I certainly hope Kate's dress is better than Diana's...lol. I wish Kate and Wills all the best.
ReplyDeleteMy 13 year old is sad that she will miss everything until I informed her that there will be a special with all the highlights on tomorrow night and she can watch that.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid I wasn't alive quite yet in 1981, but have been enjoying hearing all about the upcoming wedding this weekend. I wish I had tv so I could watch it.
ReplyDeleteI thought Princess Diana was a lovely woman and was very saddened at her loss. Her greatest legacy was her two beautiful sons who seem to have embraced her charitable and giving spirit. I think she would have loved her new daughter-in-law.