Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Instructions HERE~

Time to report my good works.
Nothing like tooting your own horn! 
Pass the trombone. 
I love my Do. Good Stitches group on Flickr. 
Just makes me happy to do a little surprise block each month. 
I was in charge last October and picked a raggy bullseye block. 
Pretty much a no brainer. 
Cut out circles, sew on raw edges. 
Then I quartered each one 
and sewed them into this diagonal design. 
This one had to sit and stew for a while. 
Initially, after receiving all the blocks I was not crazy about my color choices for the group. 
But it simmered for a few months and came out looking groovy and great for a little boy!
Instructions here.

These gray blocks are going to be stunning in their quilt when finished!
Instructions here.

If you haven't joined the Granny Block invasion
it's not too late.
Fun to make. 
Instructions here.
I'm in charge again for March's block
and I've been loving these butterflies for a while. 
Can't wait to see them all together. 
Instructions here.
So there is my horn blowing for the day!  
Ta - Da!
To read more about the do.good stitches group
Read Here!
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  1. Love everything, especially the granny squares!

  2. Just in awe of the boy's quilt! How fun and fresh...and all your other blocks just make me sigh with envy!

  3. Thanks for the inspiration! I have some bullseye blocks from a swap several years ago. It wasn't doing anything for me. I love the layout of your bullseye blocks. Can't wait to get my blocks out and try this new layout. Have a great day!

  4. What fun blocks...looks like you are keeping really busy!

  5. Blow away. They are all cute!

  6. Excellent Horn Tooting! Love that bulls-eye quilt. Looks like you're good and busy!!!

  7. The quilts are so lovely! :)
    Hugs, Ulla (from Finland)

  8. Everything! Fantastic! LOVE .... Inspiring. Wish I could sew this week!

  9. You are so productive! Love that raggy quilt!

  10. I love the raggy quilt. It is so beautiful, colors just perfect.
