Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pioneer Woman Cooks HERE

My end of summer is not as poetic as Des'.

What is missing from this picture?

I am not cooking like Pioneer Woman, I AM pioneer woman. I had no idea how often I use my microwave.

"Let's have chicken for dinner. It's frozen." "How about flautas? "Sausage.... tacos..... hamburgers..... meat....Frozen." "Cocoa. Takes too long to heat water on the stove." "I'm going to make popcorn. Nope." "Can I make cookies?" Sure, go put the butter in the sun for a couple of hours. The kids take turns cooking & of course, it didn't dawn on them or me that we still can't defrost. Guess what we're having tonight? Eggs. The perfect food. Luckily, we bought bacon & it's still in the fridge.

My husband went to buy a microwave at Home Depot. "What? They don't have them, you have to order one?" "What!?" So we've been cooking over a flame (gas stove) for three weeks. The new microwave was delivered today. It's a beauty, but husband is out of town and I just don't see me installing it as much as I would like to. I just tried lifting it ------- don't hold your breath.


  1. HEY, I've been living without a DISHWASHER! I think that's worse. But maybe not. funny...eggs. I'm just impressed you're cooking anything with your hubby gone. :)

  2. I know, I know. Yep, I think that's worse -- dishes everywhere. Like I said -- the kids are cooking :-). I cooked last night - leftovers. Ever tried to have leftovers without a microwave? It's hard to reheat mashed potatoes in a pan.

  3. When ours broke I found out the same thing - there aren't alot of microwaves out there on the shelf unless you go to Walmart. And the last one I got there was horrible. The door didn't shut tight. Who knows what horrible microwaves were excaping into my house!

  4. I don't know what I would do without my microwave. I think that I would miss its clock the most. I can't tell you how many times a day I look at that.

  5. Pioneer Woman indeed! To say nothing of that unsightly HOLE in yer kitchen :0 Are you AND Des trying to prove something? Living without modern conveniences??? Are you trying out for Survivor? Hope your hubby gets home soon :D

  6. Oh crack up!!!! are we trying out for survivor!! I wish! But I could never handle the food and conditions but I could totally whoop people on the game dynamics and manipulation!!! :)

  7. I'm a total weirdo. Never had a microwave. And I make quilts. Sometimes I wonder if I'm Amish. . .

  8. Oh, that would NOT do, not at all! When my husband is gone, which is most of the time, I hardly ever use the stove. I would just starve without the microwave. Well, at least I'd have Starbucks!
