Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Escaped for a long weekend to Spokane with my husband, girlfriend --Stacey & her husband. We laughed a lot & did a lot. Saturday, the boys headed out golfing, so they dropped us off early to stand in line for the Farm Chick Show.

The line to get in stretched from the gate out to the street. I'm sure there were 1000 women & 4 men in line. What a show! Overwhelming to say the least.

We were there five hours....barely saw every booth. At one point, I suggested we narrow it down -- we can't go in every booth, but with antiques, you can't tell by a glance if that one of a kind treasure is just waiting for you on the bottom shelf by the silver spoons.

Fun display, I could see us swimming in them this summer.Imagine this in my room, but I bet it was sold, Today's Country Store had a lot of sold signs on their stuff. Should have gotten there earlier.These petticoats were very popular. The gal on the left was putting one on in the middle of the aisle. There were hand-dyed ones, vintage ones & some for little girls.Amazing booths - 3 chandeliers ready for you.
What a day....wish you were here.I've always loved antiques & garage sales. (Found a treasure for Des to go with her Homer Laughlin dishes.) Saw lots of things that in other years I would have bought in a minute, just because.
I had restraint until....
I don't know how the masses missed it,

but there it was, just waiting for me
red petunias & all - $15 (gotta love that).
Welcome Home


  1. looks like so much fun! and i love your new treasure

  2. What a great day for you both! I love what you bought and that country store looked amazing.

  3. yeah for Farm Chicks...my peeps and I go on Sunday, much thinner crowd...next year you and Des should come up again, bring a camper, park at the end of my cul-de-sac!!

  4. Oh my gosh! I almost bought that imagine sign!! But I didn't want to pay $40 for it. But I did get a super duper cute silver glitter star to put in my crafty room. And I got way to many cute frames and mirrors and monogram letters! Ohh and some vintage fabric. Yum.

  5. Looks like so much fun...I love junk!
    Nice can!

  6. I have always had a love for vintage things...even when I was really young. I remember going on vacations to "old towns" with antique stores, and I would use my spending money to buy old fashioned pictures (of strangers...kinda weird, but I liked it). I just love the beauty of all those things. Good thing I didn't go to the show (we're kind of far away)

  7. Such a fun time (I'm a teensy wee bit jealous) and thanks for sharing the pictures with us.

  8. Oh I wish I could have been there with you. Those 4 Men must have felt very out of place with thousands of women around!!! Either that or they were in heaven!

  9. I'm so jealous! What a fun adventure. Glad you had a great time.

  10. So happy to hear that you laughed a lot! Yay!

  11. Great post!! Looks like you had some fun and flowers too!! Glad & Celia/Junebugfurnitureanddesign
