Thursday, December 30, 2010

Park it Here Giveaway Over

Update: Congrats to Julie in WA!! # - you are the winner.

Some new precuts on etsy!
Moda released a very limited amount of precuts of some future groups, such as Buttercup ~ Fig Tree
Max & Whiskers ~ Basicgrey
Just Wing It ~ Momo
Lovely ~ Sandy Gervais
Modern Workshop ~ Oliver + s
Central Park ~ Kate Spain
and two new arrivals: Giddy ~ Sandy Gervais
Hideaway ~ Lauren & Jessi Jung.
Yes, we had Sherbet Pips; it came, it went. :(

We also have jelly rolls, layer cakes & some bundles ~
fat eighths, fat quarters!
Other new arrivals include Chrysalis, Dilly Dally, Hoopla & Fresh Flowers.

Our giveaway today will be for a Central Park 5" charm pack
by Kate Spain -- great prints & colors.

To enter the drawing, leave a comment about the park.
Random drawing later tonight.

  • Thanks to all who braved watching the video last week & commented! Thought a techie would tell us why our voices weren't matching. I think it was Des being too long-winded. ;)
  • Quilt Taffy will be closed Saturday 1/1 through Sunday 1/9. Only the Le Petite patterns & kits ~ Mon Ami will go out during the week. If you know you want one, if you'd like to order before Saturday, that'd be super helpful.
  • Mon Ami on etsy. Mon Ami on eBay.


  1. I saw the Central Park line and am dying to get some. It is so beautiful

  2. Love the Central Park fabrics. Very beautiful!

  3. This looks a great Charm pack - love the colour combo.

  4. I love it & it's in my wish list :)
    Hope to WIN!! Thank you!

  5. The animal motifs on this fabric line are too cute. Kate Spain has a gorgeous designer eye and am always thrilled an inspired by her designs. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  6. I love Charm Packs and this one looks like a winner! Thanks for the giveaway and Happy New year!

  7. oeh! i love the blue and pink little flowers.
    count me in!!

  8. I love the park, I want the park, I need the park. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  9. I love this line of fabric,the park.

  10. Lovely fabric! The sweet animal and flowers match so good. A real park to relax and dream in!

  11. I have loved this line since it came out. The colors, flowers, animals - they truly are what you find in a park.

  12. My Favorite is "Hoopla". The colors are fresh and happy :-) I love it.

    Hugs Gudi from Germany (nurdug54)

  13. Love the charm pack and would like a walk in the Park, but it's raining outdoors and doesn't look like it will let up soon. Thanks for the chance! Happy New Year!

  14. The Central Park line is wihmsical and I love the color hues used. Thanks for the chance! Happy New Year!

  15. WOW! I didn't know that Central Park is soooo colourful!
    Happy New Year!

  16. The Central Park line is gorgeous and would make a very cheerful Spring quilt - Spring seems like a long way off yet but those fabrics would sure put a bit of colour back in my life. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Blessings Cxx

  17. Ok, you say to talk about the park...which one? the fabric line, which is totally yummy or about a park in general? well in general, my son hates the swings!! he swang once and that was it for him...hopefully when he gets a tad older he'll like it more!! Happy new year!!

  18. Central Park looks like it would make a fun quilt.

    Nancy E

  19. Such a beautiful collection

    Going to the park means I can tire out 3 boys and they go to bed easier. lol

  20. I like very much the Central Park fabrics. Very beautiful!

  21. Sweet! I love those Central Park fabrics. It reminds me of stories my dad told us about his childhood in NYC.

  22. I had Central Park on my wish list from Santa, but that sucker must have flown out of Santa's bag on the sleigh. I love the Central Park line!

  23. Visiting the real Central Park is on my bucket list, but having a charm pack of Kate Spain's, Central Park would surfice for now!

  24. It's a beautiful line; love the colors!
    Thank you for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  25. Beautiful color and lovely motif ^__^

    And good luck for tonight ^__*

  26. Love Central Park. My brother has an apartment on CP West and its so nice. I would love to make him something from the Central Park fabric. Happy New Year.

  27. I remember our naps at Central Park last summer, on our US vacation. It was sooo nice, after a whole day of walking up and down the city... I miss it so much :_)


  28. I heard you had Sherbert Pips but when I looked it was gone!
    Thanks for the giveaway - count me in please

  29. My daughter loves going to the park, running around and playing on the swings/slide etc.

    I'm from England and did you know that Central Park, NY is modelled on Birkenhead Park in UK?! and I've been to both of them!!! :) (sorry for being such a saddo)

    Oh, and yes I loooove this line of fabric - real feel good colours. Thanks for the chance to win and a Happy New Year to you.

  30. I love the colors...they are so bright and cheery! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  31. I love the park... the fabic and the playground! Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. okay, so as i started reading this post, and you were listing all the precuts, i was like, if they say to choose which one we would want, i'm so saying central park, and then it turns out that's the one you're giving away! it's a great line.

    i love the park, but don't go to it nearly as much as i need to since i have two little girls. we have one close to us with a duck pond that my oldest daughter absolutely loves!

  33. I like the details and colors of this line. Thank you for the giveaway!

  34. Been to NYC several times, but I've never taken the time to walk through Central Park; however, having read Kate's story about how Central Park inspired this fabric line, I will visit it next trip to NYC. Would love to win this fabric - my niece is having twins (a girl and a boy) and I would love to make a quilt for each from this line!

  35. My chrildren love the park, and the zoo for that matter. I can't wait for the sun to come out again so we can get back to playing outside.

  36. I have never been to central park but I bet it is as lovely as these fabrics

  37. I love the park. It is super. Thank you.

  38. I have been waiting not patiently for the central park to come available. I can't wait to either win this giveaway or go buy it, what ever I have to do.

  39. The last time we were in New York we stumbled across the Bryant Park Reading Room (a section of the park that has books and newspapers you can borrow and read, free of charge). It was starting to rain so we didn't get a chance to hang out there but it looked charming. If you love reading in the park you should check it out if you're in NY.

  40. I love the florals and colors in the pack, would make a beautiful quilt.


  41. I love everything that Kate Spain does...and Central Park is the only line I don't have...yet! Love to win. I'd also love to visit the real Central Park.

  42. I've only seen the outside of the Real Central Park, and sadly, I've only seen pictures of the fabric line Central Park. My day started with an earthquake in IN.... if I were the lucky winner, there might be another from me jumping for joy! Thanks for this giveaway, and for having such lovely sights for me to peruse over morning coffee!!!

  43. I love the Central Park fabrics! thanks for the chance!

  44. I love the colors used in Central Park and would love to have it on my sewing table!

  45. I've loved the Central Park line of fabrics since I first saw them, I'd love to add some to my oh-so-slowly growing stash! How ironic that we have another Indiana poster who felt our earthquake. We don't get too many of those around here, so it is a bit of an oddity!

  46. Central Park is beautiful! Love those colors!
    Thanks for the chance to win and Happy New Year to you!

    Happy Stitching!

  47. Never been to Central Park but I absolutely love anything by Kate Spain. Happy New Year. Linda

  48. I love central park! I live about 2 hours away from NYC and that is one of my favorite places to visit when we go up that way for a weekend. Absoluately love the colors,prints, and characters of this line!

  49. I've never been to the real Central Park, but love going to a park and just chilling out....with a good book and a Diet Mt. Dew! Thanks for the giveaway.

  50. The Central Park colours remind me of spring and boy how I'd like to see spring right now lol tired of snow.

  51. I would love to win the Central Park charm pack. I have a quilt pattern in mind for it that I think would be perfect. I love how all the colors blend.

  52. I love central park too!


  53. Only seen the real Central Park on TV - looks amazing and such a wonder for a large city. The fabrics pretty cool too - love the retro colours and designs. Thanks for a chance.

  54. I love the bright colors in Central Park! Thanks for having such a wonderful giveaway!

  55. I've never been to Central Park, but the fabric sure looks lovely. I hope you pick me!

  56. Great giveaway!! This line is so amazing!! Love KATE SPAIN'S WORK!!

  57. going to NY and Central Park is one of my must do before I die things

  58. I especially like the blue and the orange in the central park line
    thanks for allowing me to enter

  59. Love central park and Kate! Thanks for a chance to win!

  60. Never been to New York, but I love the fabric! Thanks for the chance.

  61. Love the colors in the charm pack. ...I love going to the park. Reminds me of carefree days and just having fun. Our park by the river is so peaceful.

  62. Central Park has bright yet slightly muted undertones... How'd they do that? :)

  63. Gorgeous fabric line - would love to make something with this. Would also love to take a wander through the real Central day, one day.

  64. My daughter loves going to the park but I just get to cold in the winter time. So we don't go in the winter as often as she would like this time of year.
    Happy New Year!

  65. Great site, wonderful material...thanks

  66. You're right, Corrie, those are great prints and colors. Being originally from the NYC area, I've been to Central Park many times. Great name for a collection!

  67. I love the colors of the Central Park pack, they are really bright and pretty.

  68. I've been to Central Park once....awesome just like Kate Spain's Central Park. LOVE the colors.

  69. I grew up in NY and lived close to Central Park. I loved to go and walk in the Park with my girlfriend. And although I've been gone from there for many years there are so many wonderful sweet memories of Central Park. The beauty of fall colors, the landscape covered with snow, with only our footprints making tracks (and ice skating at the rink) and of course the incredible array of colors in the spring, when all is renewed again. I learned how to ride a bike there, and there were many secrets and giggles shared with my friend. I am excited to see a fabric line representing New York's finest park!

  70. The Central park fabrics are sooo cute. Thanks for the give-a-way!

  71. Oh I am excited for that line!! I love going to the park on a nice walk. Too bad it's freezing outside right now :)

  72. I was going to order me some Central Park for a quilt-a-long...if I win can I pay for a second pack? If not, I need to get on Etsy and order it...

  73. After seeing pictures of Central Park on the news this week, I think the colors of that line should be in whites!!! Love the new charm packs.

  74. Haven't seen the Central Park in NYC or this awesome fabric, they both are amazing, hoping to meet one of them someday soon ;)

  75. Central Park is just so springlike and for those of us in northern climates it's just the thing to break us out of the winter doldrums that start to set in! Thanks for the giveaway!

  76. Central Park by Kate Spain is a wonderful place to go to... in fabric land of course. Beautiful fabric!

  77. Never been to Central Park, but love the fabric!

  78. never been to the real Central Park but love the springy colors of the Centrl Park line

  79. As for the actual park, I didn't get a chance to go there when I as in NY on a school trip, I wish we had gone!
    As for the fabric, I love how the colors complement each other, such great colors!

  80. I love the colors of the Central Park pack, they are really bright and pretty.

  81. One of my favortie places to visit is Central Park, so I'm dying to get my hands on this line! Thanks for the chance!

  82. Love the Central Park line--would make a tote bag out of this charm pack!

  83. A quilt to USE in the park would be just perfect made using this charm pack and some others that I've gotten from your Etsy shop !

    I'm in, please ~!~

  84. I love the Central Park colours. I also love Central Park. I always go and have a picnic there if I'm visiting NYC. Happy holidays!

  85. Love Central Park! Never been...but it's on my bucket list.

  86. I can't tell you how much I would love to get my hands on Central Park, though I haven't been there yet! Not only does it have a lot of my favorite color, purple, but ALL the colors are gorgeous! I would start by incorporating it into the purple quilt for myself that I'm starting to work on :)

  87. Eeeeeek! I NEED Central Park! It is so dang gorgeous!
    Oh, and about the I took my 18 month old to the park a couple weeks ago, and would put her at the top of the slide and count one, two, three, and then she would slide, but after a while she would get to the top of the slide and yell "three!" and slide immediately! It was probably funnier to watch than to hear described :)

  88. I'd love to be in Central Park. Using the Kate Spain fabric would be a wonderful second option:) Happy New Year! I already have my Mon Ami pattern. Thanks for shipping it in early December!

  89. This is such a great line. I love the colors. I've never been in Central Park so I can't compare it, but when I drove by it while stuck in traffic, it looked beautiful! =)

  90. I haven't been to the real Central Park, but I can sure talk about the fabric!!! I love Central Park. The bright colors and whimsical designs give Central Park a carefree feel. It's that memory of being a kid just running and playing in the park that I get when I look at it.

  91. would love to see it but probably never. linda gerig

  92. I miss going to the park and laying under the big trees. We now live in a new development so all our trees are small and our parks are new. This fabric is wonderful it is on my wishlist for sure. Thanks for the chance to win.

  93. Love the Central Park fabrics! Haven't been to Central Park in years! What a lovely giveaway!

  94. I love the Central Park line and it has been YEARS since I have been to Central Park! Thanks for the giveaway!

  95. Makes me want spring to hurry along so I can go play outside at the park! So cute!

  96. Well, don't hate me (because I know you're in Idaho probably freezing your keisters off), but my kids went to the park yesterday and last week too. We've been having unseasonably warm weather here in Texas.

  97. I LOVE central park- the real one (never seen the cloth in real life :))!! It still makes me smile when I think about it!

    candy at fiber dot net

  98. As for Kate Spain's Central Park line - LOVE it. As for THE Central Park, in NYC - never been there, prolly never will! NYC's not exactly on my list of Places I Want To Go Before I Kick The Bucket. But parks are good. :)

  99. The fabric "park", my "park", the "parked car"....grin.

    Love the fabric and thanks!

  100. I have never been to Central Park . . . I've only ever changed planes in NYC. Someday! Thanks for the chance!

  101. I love the fun, vibrant colors in this collection! It would make a lovely quilt to take to the park too! Thanks for the chance!

  102. park here is so much more vibrant than the ones we have in idaho right now- snow covered- ICK!

  103. I have a good eye for fabric and I believe this one's a winner. Love the colours.

  104. Whenever I think of Central Park, I think of the movie "Home Alone." Nice design and very nice colors!

  105. I grew up on Long Island and used to take the LIRR into the city quite a bit. I love Central Park!

  106. I love the colors of Central Park. I think it's her best line yet. I can't wait to make something with it.

  107. lovely crop of charms! hideaway took me by surprise...totally off my radar...and so cute! i love the brick work pattern in Central Park. I remember swinging at the park singing songs from Grease and Bye Bye Birdie with my sisters!

  108. I love the park! The combination of colors and animals is amazing! Thanks for the chance to win!

  109. Love Kate Spain. My kids like playing at the park. I'd love to visit Central Park some day. Mostly, though, I'd love to play with some Central Park fabric . . . thanks for the chance.

  110. this is definitely a line i will have to get all of. a charm pack is a good way to start ;)

  111. Love the line. It is so bright and cheery.

    Karen W

  112. Lovely giveaway - and it brings back wonderful memories - About ten years ago I stayed with a friend in her super house on the West Side and one morning I walked for hours and hours and hours thru the park. My first time there and I was thrilled at its beauty. It was late spring and the colours were glorious ... Must. go. back.

  113. Great line! We had some great parks nearby growing up and were allowed to roam for hours without my Mom getting upset. Too bad times have changed so much. Now we have a park right behind our house and my kids still aren't allowed to leave the yard without us.

  114. Those fabrics look simply delicious!!

  115. When we moved from a condo to our house, my daughter was in awe of the big backyard and the fort/swing set. She aptly named it "Abbey's Park". Even though the play structure is gone, I still think of the backyard as a private park!

  116. What a selection. I hope that I can get some. Central park, I have never been. If I was ever able to make it to New York that would be one of the places I would go. Plus Ground Zero. Thank you for the give away.

  117. I love the purple-ish prints in Central Park! It seems so hard to find cute purple prints sometimes!

  118. What a fun fabric line! Kate Spain does great stuff. And, I'd love to see Central Park someday.
    p.s. I got fabric from your shop for Christmas- I couldn't be happier!

  119. Oh how I've been wanting some central park, second to sherbet pips! I would have ordered some if I'd have thought about it. My daughter was so happy to see Sherbet Pips on Christmas morning, I really surprised her, but she immediately guessed 'how' I obtained it! Too bad you aren't coming to quilt group this month, we could have a 'shopping with Corrie' frienzy again! Thanks Corrie, and have a good time.

  120. This is Amber, Diane's "other" daughter. I'm told that Central Park is awesome, so let me enter to win! Thanks for the chance to win a charm pack.

  121. I have been to central park once and it was beautiful and so is this fabric.
    Alda, Fl

  122. A bit of New York in Western Montana...can you imagine adding more beauty to either Central Park or the western Rockies? I'd give it my best, if I won.

  123. Never been there, but that is cute fabric.

  124. Pretty fabric, I'm loving the colors!

  125. I've only been to Central Park once - about 15 years ago! But this is probably my favorite new line of fabric...I want some!

  126. "The Park" I have never been to Central Park, but the fabric is beautiful. It looks like something to draw you outside. Just like the city parks draws my children out. I believe it also draws the grumpies out. This fabric brought a smile to my face. Happy New Year!

  127. I love charm packs! If I win, I'd make a charm quilt just like my very first quilt. :)

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. These are beautiful. I don't think I've been to Central Park, but I think I may have ridden by it in a taxi or two. Happy New Year.

  130. Love the Central Park fabrics.
    Very beautiful!

  131. We don't have anything quite as grand as Central Park where I live but I do love how relaxing it is at our park. You can feed the geese and walk around the water. So beautiful in spring when the flowers are blooming. The children are laughing and playing. Couples holding hands while they walk. I love how this line embraces all of those things.

  132. Will comment as soon as I wipe the drool off my keyboard!! :-) Love the parks around my home - great places for hiking, running across fields, watching the dragonflies, and the best sledding hills around!

  133. I love this line and would be so excited to win them!

  134. Love the colors in this line. Happy New Year.

  135. What wonderful colors. I would love to win them. Bonnie in Iowa

  136. A comment about the park? One time, I went to the park to play baseball with some friends and one of them broke our wooden bat! It was a great game.
    I would sure love to win some Central Park!

  137. Love the Central Park fabric.
    Happy New Year to all!

  138. Love this line!! I've never been to "The" Central Park, but here in Vancouver we love our Stanley Park just as much! Thanks for the chance at this beauty charm pack.

  139. What a cute line that is - it would make such a fun baby girl quilt! I love the park - especially the boat park near our old house. Now we live on 48 acres, so I guess we have our own park!

  140. The first Landscape Architect in the USA is credited with creating Central Park - or so I've been told. It looks so lush (Spring photos), I've only seen it when driven along the perimeter. I know that the charm pack illustrates this beautiful park's flora, fauna and colors and would enjoy winning it. Happy New Year!

  141. I love the park! These all look fantastic. Thanks for the chance to win!

  142. The park? Any park? Central Park? Fabric or the place with the swings? I'm so confused. I do, however, love the fabric. Thanks for the chance.

  143. Never been to the real Central Park, but appreciate the beauty of this line nonetheless. :)

  144. That would be fun to play with!

    I have actually been to Central Park when I was 19. It's beautiful. But my best memories of parks are with my children. Playing in the spring sunshine.

  145. Central Park is such a cute fabric line. I'd love to win it!

  146. There's a park right next to the fabric store I go to, which is perfect because my husband can take our son there while I'm shopping. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  147. Don't know if I'll ever get to Central Park, but I could imagine it better if I had some! Thanks for the chance.

  148. I have sweet memories of the Grant Park, in Charlotte, North CArolina from as a child. My granddad would take my twin sister and me to this park and tell us stories and then hide saltlines in the huge trees for us to find. Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  149. Love the Park. Anything Kate Spain does is beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win some.

  150. Central Park? Never been there. Plain ol' city park? Loved taking my kids to the park when they were little...such fun. The Central Park charm pack looks just as fun!!

  151. the colors in Central Park are very fun! Would love the charm pack. thanks for the offering

  152. I love the Central Park colors...thank you for the giveaway..

  153. Love the new line. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  154. I am loving Central Park and it is time to get back to the sewing machine. This would be a great start. Thanks for the giveaway.

  155. Oh wow, thanks for the give away! I have been to Central park and its a great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the busy NY city! Can be a little scary at night tho!

  156. Wonderful, happy colors. I've never been to the real Central Park, so this might be as close as I ever get. Thank you for the fun! Happy New Year!

  157. Beautiful..looks like the makin's of a cute little Schnibbles!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  158. Oh I love this fabric line. Central park is on my wish list. I have never been to Central Park. But if I ever visit, I'm sure I will enjoy it. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs Ariane

  159. I've never been to Central Park either, but I would imagine this is a good representation of all of the seasons of the year. I love it!

  160. My first trip to NYC was in October and Central Park just drew me in. It was like a picture postcard..the colors of the leaves were unbelievable. blessings, marlene

  161. Way cool colors at the park. Gotta have it!

  162. Central Park was a busy colorful place with never ending views to take in the day I was there. Having never seen the Central Park fabric I would guess it would be much the same--colorful eye candy! I'd love to win the fabric, and going back to Central Park wouldn't be bad either!!

  163. I love Central Park! - both by Kate Spain and in real life. We visited NYC for the first time in May, and biked all around it on a lovely day - but we must go back to see more ... we missed the zoo and Strawberry Fields and the reservior ... Thank you for the giveaway!

  164. Our local park has a gorgeous tree walk, where all the trees are labeled and you can get a map that takes you to each one and tells you a bit about it. :)

  165. Woohoo, thanks for the giveaway! I just got home from visiting my parents out of town and found my Sherbet Pips layer cake from you waiting for me in my mailbox, it just made coming home that much better!

  166. I like to take my hand-stitching to the park and sit under a tree stitching away listening to nature,I find it very relaxing :) Barb.

  167. Central Park is on my list of places to visit in the next 5 years! Until then, I make do with our local park with a lake, ducks, lots of restful trees for shade and hidden nooks for lazing the day away.

  168. Adore the park. Love the park. Can we "park" the car and smooch since the fabrics are so yummy??? Wow - I just love them and hope I win them. The colors are awesome. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  169. Definitely one of my favorites in that group! Love the patterns in the pack. As a new quilter I can't wait until it comes out so I can find something fun to do with it!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  170. I love Kate Spain fabrics!

