Probably around 2008, my oldest daughter,
who was barely in high school
wanted to make a quilt
out of these pretty pretty fabrics.
She pieced together the top.
And it has sat for 9 years,
good grief.
She talked about finishing it;
I talked about finishing it.
No one finished it.
I had a few goals for this past fall and
this was one of them.
I added borders to the top and bottom,
pieced the flannel back,
had it machine quilted
and then I
pieced the flannel back,
had it machine quilted
and then I
scalloped and bound it.
Scalloping with the
by Darlene Zimmerman
was well,
It's done,
and I absolutely adore it.
Scallops are going to be
my new best friend.
Needless to say,
she was VERY surprised and happy
Christmas morning.
Very pretty!!!!