Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fun and Games - Giveaway Day!

Ready for some Fun and Games?

This is a cute line by
 Lori Whitlock from Riley Blake.

Just look at those prints -
there's a maze, yoyos, gears,
a Scrabble game going on. 

And great colors.

This would make a
great family room blanket.

Fun and Games precuts are in the shop. 
I presold some fat quarter bundles,
 if you're interested in one, let me know,
 I'm ordering again. 


 The giveaway today is a
 Fun and Games 5" charm pack. 
To enter the drawing,
tell me a favorite game you like to play.

Update:  Congrats to Bridget B!  
You are the winner tonight.
Random drawing Friday night.
I was looking at Hedbanz today,
anyone have it?  Is it fun?


  1. Its been a while since we've played board games. When the kids were growing up yatzee and Uno were favorites. Also Sorry. Adult time we loved Trivia Pursuit.

  2. We love Scrabble and Boggle - so much fun!!!

  3. We love UNO and dominoes. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  4. I have Headbanz and play it more at school with my pupils than at home, it's real fun by my kids don't like it. I play the simple Memory most. Thanks for the chance!

  5. I like to play monopoly...not because i particularly enjoy the game, but because I always win :) my husband hates it ha ha

  6. We play a number of card games when we get together.

  7. I love board games. One of my favorites is Settlers of Catan, do you know it?

  8. We love Scrabble and Monopoly!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  9. Scrabble!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Monopoly is a favorite here. I have one grandson who has Hedbanz and loves to play it, though I haven't played it. A new to me game is Blockus. My 7 year old grandson taught me to play, great for all ages and I love it. Amazon is where I bought it.

  11. my favorite is monopoly but no one likes to play with me.

  12. I still love Trivial Pursuit even though it is no longer in vogue. Thanks for the chance to win.

  13. We are currently playing Scrabble Trickster - great variation of a classic. Thanks for the chance, hope a UK entry is OK!!

  14. My favourite one is the scrabble or other memory-games.
    Thanks for the chance,
    Edit from Hungary

  15. Headbanz is great. We love Ticket to Ride.

  16. Our favorite family game is spot it. It is fun for all ages. Thanks for the chance. Love those orange prints.

  17. Corrie my favorite game is scrabble but my family does not like to play with me so I have to play strangers online. Lol

  18. My favorite game is whatever the grandkids drag out of their game cupboard and ask me to play when I'm babysitting. Their presence make it my favorite game.

  19. Solitaire if it's just me, Casino if there are others and Crazy *'s with my grandsons.

  20. Whenever we get together, my 3 sisters & I play marathon games of FanTan. Thanks for the chance to win.

  21. When there is a family gathering we enjoy playing Scattergories. Seems some members of our family have a knack for making that game hilarious.

  22. My newest favorite game is played in a group with an iPhone. It is called Heads Up. I do believe it is very similar to Hedbanz. I was telling a co-worker about it and she said that she and her kids play Hedbanz and it is much the same.

  23. We love to play Monopoly....My sons favorite one is the Dinosaur version . SO we usually play it the most.

  24. Our favorite game is Charades! I live with a bunch of "hams" who love to sing, dance, and be silly! Thanks for the chance!

  25. Monopoly was the #1 game for me.

  26. Its a little old fashioned but I love backgammon :)

  27. Hedbanz - We don't own it but my sister does and its a fun family game -in a nutshell - guess what's on your head! We ignore the time limit to the game and just play ! Another good game is Spot It. (harder than you think! ) For word games we love Bananagrams -fun fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Apples to apples is one of our family favs ... & Rummicube :) thanks for the chance.

  29. Thanks for this chance girls!! I am not a game player, but did have fun with 'Trouble' when my boys were small.

  30. I love Uno. It's a simple game but can be really cut throat or laid back depending on who you play with.

  31. My family loves to play Liverpool Rummy, but Monopoly is next on the list of favorites. Great looking fabric!

  32. Okay. Monopoly is my favorite but I am very familiar with Go Fish which is my grandson's favorite.

  33. Jenga is one of my well as Trivial Pursuit. Thanks for the chance!

  34. Adorable fabric!! We like to play a game called Sequence. Lots of fun!

  35. I really like Boggle and a card-game of Monolpoly (doesn't last as long as the real thing). But I must admit that nowadays we rarely play any board games anymore, family lives far away and our kids aren't old enough yet. So, (online) Mahjong it is...

  36. What cute fabric.l I've not seen this one before. My favorite game is Chinese Checkers. My dad used to play that with me when I was a child.

  37. We love board game! Our favorite is Scrabble!

    My hubby and I (and some friends) used to test new games in progress for Hasbro in East Longmeadow, MA. We would play the game and give constructive comments about improving the game. In exchange for our time, we would each get 2-3 full sized board games. Unfortunately, they moved to RI so we don't do it anymore! I miss it!

  38. We love board games!
    Our favorite is bingo! We play it a lot....
    Thanks for the chance!

  39. Cribbage. I'd play that game any time! Thank you for a chance to win!

  40. Our family likes to play pitch (a card game). Thanks for the chance!

  41. Scrabble is great fun around our house.

  42. One of my favourite games is Ticket to Ride - it's fun and easy enough for anyone to play! Lately around here, Dad and the boys play Sequence.

  43. We have little ones here, so our games aren't too complicated these days. One of my favorites is Zingo which was easy enough for my son when he was just 3. :)

  44. Any game with trivia - I stink at it but it fascinates me to watch my husband play....he's the smartest person I know!!! Very cute line of fabric. You & Des are cute little Christmas girls, too!

  45. Our favorite game is a fishing game. I can't remember what it's called but you get to "fish" for these fish cards and if it's your color you put them in your boat.

  46. Ticket to Ride and Quirkle are my favorite right now. We're also big card players over here and love a good game of Pinochle.

  47. We like Scattergories and Ticket to Ride. When you don't want to think to hard, Pass the Pigs is fun.

  48. Scrabble games are great for christmas ornaments. However i like to play bunco. and it so happens its my turn to host bunco tonight with my group. I made cute bunco ornaments.

  49. I love to play mah jongg, not the solitaire online versions, but the reallife mah jongg with stones and 4 players.

  50. my family and I play a card game called euchre. or we play yahtzee, or dominos. Thank you for a chance to win some cute fabrics.

  51. I like playing solitaire on my computer.

  52. My family loves playing "Time's Up!" Super-fun game - it's become a tradition at holidays!

  53. Growing up we loved to play Sorry, and we were so cut throat with each other. I always carried a pass the pigs game when my niece and nephews were young, because it was a way to keep them entertained. Now we love to play just about any game, most I don't know the names of, I just get picked and put on a team and we go from there.

  54. As kids we loved having Monopoly marathons. My older brother always won because he cheated. Nowadays I enjoy Scrabble and Sorry!. That is a super cute fabric collection.

  55. I bought Headbanz for my in-laws. My youngest BILs are 9 and 10. I hope they like it.

    I like playing Uno when I'm visiting my family.

    My husband and I like Settlers of Catan.

    But mostly, I like logic/puzzle games - Sudoku, crosswords, anagrams, etc.

  56. We play The Game of Life with the girls pretty frequently.

  57. I love Killer Bunnies. So much fun!

  58. Just bought the Jr. Scrabble game, and it's been a big hit over here.

  59. Cute fabrics! I always love Clue.

  60. I would love love love to win this pack! That fabric is so much fun! Our favorite game right now, that we play every chance we get, is I NEED THAT. It's kinda like bingo, we use a special card, dice and nickels. It is so so so much fun!!!

  61. My grandkids like playing Old Maid and Go Fish. So that's what gets played most at my house.

  62. Yahtzee!!! We play it most every time my sister-in-law and husband come over, and on vacation!!

  63. I love the game of Life! Thank you for the chance!

  64. Big Phase 10 fans in our house. We always play it at the inlaws.

  65. My kids are in the Candy Land phase, much preferred over Chutes and Ladders (. I'm not really allowed to play games with adults because I'm a bit competitive!!

  66. apples to apples, mille bornes, sequence...

  67. I LOVE Monopoly. My favorite piece is the iron :)

  68. Well I have just read about a # of games in peoples comments that I had never heard of. Guess I will have to look into some of them. We play Monopoly, and love love love charades, and for card games we play Gin. Tha fabric is just adorable.

  69. thank you for the chance to win. I like to play dominos

  70. Yahtzee and Skip-Bo, I think, for fun. There used to be some games we played for 'brain' time - Scrabble and Pente.

    Hmmm. It's been so long since we've played games (at all), I think I'll suggest that Mom bring the Skip-Bo cards for her visit later this month. :-)

  71. We love all games, but I'm especially into card games. Pinochle is my all-time favorite.

  72. This is easy... my favorite game is Scrabble!!! Thanks for the chance - this fabric line is bright and fun!

  73. I love pictuary. I know I am not spelling that right but I love that game. Just can't get people to play with me.

  74. We were big board and card game players growing up, mine are too little to play yet, but I am looking forward to family game nights for our own family! (My favorite was boggle and pretty much any card game!)

  75. Our family was big yahtzee fans - all the cousins too!

  76. We love Scrabble and bananagrams. And settlers of cataan. And my three year old loves candyland....

  77. Hello!
    My favorite game to play is Bible trivia...
    bingo is second favorite! So much fun!
    Thank you for the chance to win and congrat's to the winner!
    Walk in Love~

  78. What a fun post because while not a game how about something which was a blast from the past. I decided I wanted a spirograph. It is amazing what you could do with those little rings and wheels. I found 3 today. 2 for gifts and one for my house. My favorite game growing up was cribbage. I was taught how to count cards, and play over 45 years ago.

  79. I like charades. Or Pictionary.

  80. Our favorite card game is Five Crowns!

  81. I have always love to play scrabble. During Christmas break when we were in high school my sister and I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and play it.

  82. I love scrabble but have become addicted to my IPad games...dice with buddies!!! Thank you so much!

  83. What a fun bundle of Fabrics!!! The charm pack is sooo cool!!

    YES! our Grangirlie got Headbanz last Christmas!! Was such Riot!!! LOL We played it for hours!! Definitely Highly recommend it!!

    Yep.....our Favorite game to play...still!!! :)

  84. I collect Monopoly games from different countries, so those are fun. Right now we also really like Sequence. I come from a "gamey" family so I love playing board and card games!

  85. Probably of all the games I have played Scrabble and Monopoly are always going to be my favorite games.

  86. Love to play 10 point pitch and also other card games.

  87. Oh what a neat fabric! My husband, kids and I have family fun night every Saturday night. We have played many games but our favorite is bingo. We have Christmas bingo with candy, and on special occasions like birthdays we use change from the change jar as markers and if you when you keep the change on your card. I will have to buy some of this fabric if I don't win and make a game table cloth or something lol.
    Thanks for the chance!
    Whistlebritchesboutique at gmail dot com

  88. I love playing Monopoly
    Thanks for the chance!

  89. When my children were young, we would play Ants in the Pants. They loved it!! Now they are grown and their children are young adults. I am waiting for those great grandchildren. LOL

  90. I like card games. My favorite is cribbage.

  91. We play Yahtzee, Monopoly & card games. Thanks for the chance to win!

  92. I love Scrabble (old school) and Words with Friends (new school).

  93. we like to play scrabble, dominos and pay day Thanks for asking I love that fabric

  94. Not so much games, but I love puzzles. I like to do 7 Little Words and Sudoku. Thanks, Corrie!

  95. Scrabble is our family's favourite game. Thank you!

  96. A favourite in our home is Uno and we also like playing Monopoly.

  97. Very cute fabric. Hope you are still breathing! :-) Thanks for the giveaway days they are always so fun. K-

  98. I just bought Trouble to play with my young grandson, I think it will be a favorite!

  99. I love Rummikub and triominoes.
    These are the ones that I love but my children love The Hungry Caterpillar game at the moment or the Lego games.
    We have a family game night regularly so we have lots of favourites.

  100. Clue, Scrabble, Sorry, and Canasta are our favorites. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  101. Oooh, that's CUTE fabric! We love to play Catch Phrase -- it's always fun with the older kids and Grandma and Grandpa!

  102. right now its Candy Land, but it use to be UNO when the kids were older, now I have grandbabies........

  103. We love playing UNO.

  104. I got my daughter Headbanz for Christmas - she's been begging for it!

  105. a family favorite would be RISK...were very competitive haha

  106. My favourite game is Trivial Pursuit. Love it!
    BTW--adorable fabrics!

  107. Really cute fabric! Favorite game is Monopoly! Thanks for a chance!

